Štítek: "reflective shirt"

Many runners in safety vest to run at night

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 15. 9. 2015 | přečteno: 785× | komentáře: 0
Many runners in safety vest who decide to go jogging at night, either by time or by the simple fact that the world is calmer when there is less light. In the warmer months it is best to avoid high temperatures and now, although it is cooler and can succeed at almost any time of the day, with the change of time the light is limited as a six- some afternoon and it is night. číst dál

Reflective shirt sponsored by PGE for the riding race

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 6. 8. 2015 | přečteno: 839× | komentáře: 0
I am very glad that on our street come to the finish of the last stage 26. Race of Solidarity and Olympians - said at yesterday's conference mayor of Lodz Hanna. - The space of the street makes it possible to see the riders in reflective clothing, see this race. With gardens and benches will be able to admire the riders struggle. I recall that sometime just down the street paced the Peace Race and Race Official Lodz. číst dál