"Night ride" is good for stress relief

Napsal stebenda.blogerka.cz (») 12. 8. 2019 v kategorii Protective clothing, přečteno: 431×
reflective clothing

According to a survey released by Job Portal Inc. on the 17th, 53% of 2030 households chose 9-12 pm as a golden time to relieve stress. Seven percent of them enjoy outdoor nighttime activities, such as bicycle riding, which is one of the most popular leisure activities for the younger generation, as it allows them to ride comfortably away from the sun.

As such, night riding is attractive because it can ride bicycles at a comfortable temperature. Therefore, to enjoy safe night riding, it is important to check basic safety matters before departure and thoroughly prepare necessary safety items. The Samchully Bicycle presented "Essentials to be checked before the night ride departure," so that the bicycle can be safely used even at night.

The bike ABC check is a basic check that should always be carried out not only at night, but also at normal times, and must be checked before riding. Check whether the air pressure of the tire is enough to prevent the thumb from entering when you press it with your fingers, the brake works normally, the brake lever is normal, and the chain is well greased and taut. Check the safety condition of the bicycle. It is also essential to wear safety equipment such as helmets and gloves.

Check out "headlights" and "rear lights" to get visibility and presence on the road!

When riding at night, you should install lights to protect yourself and your opponent. You'll need both 'headlights' to keep the rider's vision in dark driving conditions, and 'rear lights' to protect you from the bikes and vehicles approaching you from behind by telling you the rider's presence and direction. If it's already installed, check the light's operation, brightness and battery. The brightness of the light should be around 100-300 lumens when using the Han River Bikeway.

In particular, the headlight is important to adjust the angle before departure. Headlights that illuminate the front can dazzle the rider from the other side and obstruct the view, so it's a good idea to adjust the angle down 20 degrees or more. Also, on bicycle roads where there are many street lights, the headlight light is adjusted to be in front of the wheel or within 1 meter in front of the wheel to prevent damage to the opponent.

Wear "goggles" and "multipurpose scarves" for comfortable riding!

While riding, goggles are a good way to protect your eyes from insects that fly into the fly and night headlights. It's easy to think that goggles are worn only during the day to prevent glare from the sun, but they're also essential for night riding because they protect your eyes from wind and debris to ensure a safe view. At night, a yellow lens is easy to secure the field of view. Usually, a clear lens, a night lens, or a discoloring lens that changes color depending on the amount of light is used. In addition to protecting your eyes, it's a good idea to wear a versatile scarf to prevent flying flies into your mouth or nose. You can choose the product that suits you because there are various designs, sizes, and materials, such as designs that cover the eyes from the eyes to the neck and products that cover only the face like a mask.

Equipped with reflective and luminous products for visibility!

When riding at night, be aware of the rider's presence in a dark environment and pay attention to the clothing color to ensure safety. Avoid darker shades of black, and wear brighter reflective clothing that is more visible. To improve visibility, it is a good idea to use wheel lights mounted on wheels, reflective tapes attached to bicycle bodies, and reflective bands for night riding worn on arms or legs.

An official of Samchully Bicycle said, "At the end of the night, the wind blows in the evening, and the number of consumers enjoying night riding in the city is increasing."He added.

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