reflective band

Heike reflective vest: more visibility for the biker (») | 22. 12. 2017 | přečteno: 602× | komentáře: 0
Being visible when riding a motorcycle is a determining factor for the safety of the pilot. For this reason, the Italian brand Heike has designed a reflective vest, to be easily perceived by the rest of the drivers on the road. číst dál

Reflective poles for the Traffic Civil Guard (») | 21. 12. 2017 | přečteno: 628× | komentáře: 0
The Directorate General has approved a game of 480,000 Euros for the garments that agents will use this summer. The Ministry of the Interior will allocate 479,160 Euros for the purchase of short-sleeved polo shirts for the patrols of the Traffic Association of the Civil Guard. The yellow and green colors will predominate in the new body garments; they will have three reflective bands and an identifying oval. číst dál

How to implement motorcycle controls for road safety (») | 30. 11. 2017 | přečteno: 572× | komentáře: 0
He was assured by Radio Tornado, the Undersecretary of Institutional Relations before the implementation of changes in the Traffic Law to combat the "motorcycle.” číst dál

The mandatory reflective vest for motorists (») | 21. 11. 2017 | přečteno: 559× | komentáře: 0
From January 1, this reflective element must be in all motorized vehicles of Chileans. číst dál

The police will give you a mandate for no glare after dark (») | 12. 9. 2017 | přečteno: 614× | komentáře: 0
Do you remember the obligation to wear reflective vest after dark? The police check compliance with this provision and give out further mandates. číst dál

The police will give you a mandate for no glare after dark (») | 12. 9. 2017 | přečteno: 615× | komentáře: 0
Do you remember the obligation to wear reflective vest after dark? The police check compliance with this provision and give out further mandates. číst dál

You want to be visible on the road - wear reflective (») | 4. 9. 2017 | přečteno: 543× | komentáře: 0
Yesterday (18th of October) traffic policemen all day ran NURD (short for Unprotected Road Runner). The action of the Elblag road was directed at pedestrians and cyclists. Policemen paid special attention to the behavior of drivers in relation to pedestrians, but they also kept a close eye on whether pedestrians were breaking the rules of traffic. Every unprotected road user got a reflective band from the cops. číst dál

Police in reflective vest were checking bikers (») | 17. 7. 2017 | přečteno: 638× | komentáře: 0
On Friday afternoon, police officers in reflective vest from the Regional Transport Inspectorate focused on checking bikers. A place for a joint transport security event with beside was the space at the Garden of Bohemia Exhibition Center. číst dál

Sponsors received tapes and reflective bands (») | 17. 10. 2015 | přečteno: 803× | komentáře: 0
Marcie Stewing, also known as reflective Angel. Man 6 years riding a battered bicycle with a 3-foot trailer and hands needy glare. číst dál

Reflective bands help trees to be visible (») | 15. 7. 2015 | přečteno: 876× | komentáře: 0
A few months ago we wrote about our reader who complained that riding your bike, clipped the slanted birch in an alley in the Park of Culture and Recreation. According to the reader inattentive pedestrians they can also kill tumor itself on some of the trees in the alley. The application of reflective tape can at some degree helps. číst dál