Období: srpen 2018

The gendarmes monitor the highways of the Loire

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 31. 8. 2018 | přečteno: 470× | komentáře: 0
Speed checks, fight against theft on motorway areas, prevention in schools ... The missions of the nineteen gendarmes of the departmental road safety squadron based in Feurs are not limited to offenses and traffic offenses. číst dál

Bielefeld parents should now train the way to school of their children

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 30. 8. 2018 | přečteno: 502× | komentáře: 0
The children are still on holiday. But the new school-leavers and those who change schools in a few days should already train their new way, experts advise. Even those who have practiced the first way by bus and train, comes relaxed into the new school year. In April, 115 children died in traffic accidents in Bielefeld. číst dál

Works on the go: reflective vest

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 29. 8. 2018 | přečteno: 535× | komentáře: 0
With the reflective vests as if they were operators hired by the old PER in the work of a voyage, the slogans in handwriting and the leisurely walk among those who cross with haste, I meet them many days in the Plaza de Las Tendillas. They wear to identify a name that Cordoba has a bit of the grotesque, as if in the city, and throughout Andalusia, had ever used another word that the noble "grandfather" and "grandmother." Other times they put behind placards with acronyms of unions to which perhaps they did not belong when they worked and shout that they have to raise the pensions without realizing that those who have put the placards and the colors probably take more chub if they finish for getting away with it. číst dál

For 25 years, she has been protecting children at pedestrian crossings

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 28. 8. 2018 | přečteno: 471× | komentáře: 0
A school patroller, Jeanne has been securing children at the garrisoned crosswalk for a quarter of a century. "It's an education, the pedestrian crossing," she says. číst dál

7 traps on the road!

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 27. 8. 2018 | přečteno: 448× | komentáře: 0
That we have to carry the reflective vests with us for the whole crew, that we do not have a first-aid kit and that we have to follow the usual regulations, we've gotten used to it somehow. But while on the road abroad, even more sophisticated pitfalls are waiting for the driver. So, you know, in which country do you must have reflective safety vest with you? And where do you have to arrange a parked car with a wedge? číst dál


stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 24. 8. 2018 | přečteno: 449× | komentáře: 0
The experts of the Confederation of African Football yesterday visited all the sport facilities of the two competition sites of the Cameroonian capital. číst dál

When the accident happened

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 23. 8. 2018 | přečteno: 490× | komentáře: 0
An accident occurred on Borski Street in Rybnik this morning. Opel Driver - 28-year-old resident - Pushing the direction of Jore, losing control of the vehicle, crashing into a parked car brand BMW. He's drunk. It has nearly 2 kilometers per kilometer. číst dál

How does drinking water get into the bottle?

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 22. 8. 2018 | přečteno: 505× | komentáře: 0
Water was the focus of the holiday program event with the title "Water - cool and sparkling". The Wilbarger branch of the VHS supervised the visit to the GmbH. The eight- to twelve-year-old learned a lot of interesting facts about sparkling and bubbly drinks. číst dál

Cuellar requests two new places of Local Police

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 21. 8. 2018 | přečteno: 460× | komentáře: 0
The mayor of Cuellar, Jesus Garcia, has come to the step of criticism made from the municipal socialist group in which his spokesman, Carlos, indicated a reduction in the staff of the Local Police, with the existence of three agents less than the last year. číst dál

Bicyclists, taken by police officers

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 20. 8. 2018 | přečteno: 501× | komentáře: 0
Bikers who have not been complied with road traffic law and have been exposed to victimization through accidents or have posed a danger to other road users have been targeted by policemen. číst dál


stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 17. 8. 2018 | přečteno: 498× | komentáře: 0
The bike. This is a mean of transportation that is on the rise right now. It is enough to see the enthusiasm that local authorities have to invest in cycle paths and "soft" traffic, even if we are far behind our European neighbors. číst dál

Car Guards

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 16. 8. 2018 | přečteno: 541× | komentáře: 0
They are everywhere, they have invaded every street, every artery ... wearing a blue apron or a reflective vest and carrying a whistle and a satchel; it is of course the car keepers, whose number continues to increase in recent years, "rotting" the daily lives of motorists. číst dál

The cyclist's survival guide in built-up areas

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 15. 8. 2018 | přečteno: 546× | komentáře: 0
The City of Paris is increasing investments to allow the bike to make a place in the travel habits of Parisians. A practice that is developing, but is still far from being a reflex. Here some tips to let you try the bike adventure. In Paris, and elsewhere... číst dál

This is how children safely come to school

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 14. 8. 2018 | přečteno: 478× | komentáře: 0
In Hessen, the summer holidays are over with today's Monday, for 760 000 students is a new school year at the door, often a change of school, combined with other morning paths. In addition, 54,000 first-graders will be enrolled nationwide on Tuesday. Equipped with sugar packets and accompanied by the best wishes of their families. They begin a new phase of life. The Keri spoke to the Criminal Commissioner, and in the interview she asked for basic recommendations and specific tips for parents and children. číst dál

Donate reflective vests to women

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 13. 8. 2018 | přečteno: 484× | komentáře: 0
reflective heat transfer vinylCycling tours on the Lower Rhine are always part of the annual program of the country women. Provincial Rhineland has donated a set of safety vests to the woman so that the female cyclists can take part in the traffic in a clearly visible and thus safe manner. číst dál