Období: červenec 2015

Road safety: PRIORITIES vigilance for seniors

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 31. 7. 2015 | přečteno: 831× | komentáře: 0
Four pedestrians have died this year in the city without wearing reflective safety vest. The municipality responded by preventive actions.  číst dál

Cyclists’ safety with reflective tape

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 29. 7. 2015 | přečteno: 872× | komentáře: 0
Cyclists like people moving car or other means of transport, the provisions - orders and bans, but also the benefits that may be controversial. Because of misconceptions, between one and the second road users, there are often conflicts. For example, when control the bike ahead of other than by bike, slowly moving toward vehicles with their right hand. This way of driving annoys many drivers, because between cars cyclist without safety vest may be unnoticed and hit. However, this drive is compatible with the provisions and guilt in this case shall be borne by the driver of the car. číst dál

A man in reflective jacket steals sanitation facilities

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 25. 7. 2015 | přečteno: 879× | komentáře: 0
An unidentified man, whose appearance from security cameras now police released, he went to steal Tuesday afternoon. Under the reflective jacket carried a bag with tools. číst dál

Swimmer saved by colleague in reflective vest

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 23. 7. 2015 | přečteno: 790× | komentáře: 0
The misadventure night saw the swimmer Spine remain firm on the highway after seeing finish the gasoline in their cars ("but it's not my fault, “she specified with a nice jab). So it came to his rescue colleague and boyfriend Pesaro, with a reflective vest and providential gas can. He put the Prince Charming of 2015, and so brought it back to the castle. číst dál

Police indicate reflective tape very important to children safety

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 21. 7. 2015 | přečteno: 864× | komentáře: 0
They approach the holidays and especially during this period should ensure the safety of children. It is in the interest of the youngest officers of the District Police Headquarters in Braniewo together with representatives of the county, the city of Braun berg, municipalities, cities and municipalities Formwork, cities and municipalities, municipalities, municipalities Proscenia, municipalities carry out specific actions in primary schools. číst dál

Reflective element vital to road safety

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 18. 7. 2015 | přečteno: 823× | komentáře: 0
In our action Safe Road to School also includes MURDER. Director Mare Dora tells you what to do to be safer on the roads. Why children should wear reflectors? Reflective element allows the driver to detect pedestrians’ even from a distance of 150 meters. No glare, this distance is reduced to 40-50 meters - if the driver has turned on the light beam. On the long pedestrian traffic lights can be seen from 100 meters. These 50 m of this, they provide us with reflective material, is an opportunity for the driver to react. How can we ensure her children? This road is already further developed. číst dál

Motorcycle equipment with reflective tape

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 17. 7. 2015 | přečteno: 895× | komentáře: 0
In today's market, there are several leading companies engaged in manufacturing motorcycle reflective accessories. Unfortunately, they often proposed prices put off potential customers. Products do not always fulfill the tasks entrusted to them, even though the quality is satisfactory. číst dál

Reflective bands help trees to be visible

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 15. 7. 2015 | přečteno: 876× | komentáře: 0
A few months ago we wrote about our reader who complained that riding your bike, clipped the slanted birch in an alley in the Park of Culture and Recreation. According to the reader inattentive pedestrians they can also kill tumor itself on some of the trees in the alley. The application of reflective tape can at some degree helps. číst dál

The reflective elements is mandatory for pedestrians

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 13. 7. 2015 | přečteno: 977× | komentáře: 0
From 1 July 2015, in order to increase the visibility of pedestrians at night on country roads, come into force amendments to the Rules of the road, they made the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 14, 2014 № 1197 "On Amendments to the Rules of the Road the Russian Federation ", - said the General Directorate of Road Safety Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. číst dál

Cyclists are obliged to wear clothing with reflective tape

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 9. 7. 2015 | přečteno: 769× | komentáře: 0
In these days we should expect tighter checks on roads. We can expect more marked and unmarked police cars with wide orate. The police will not only control the speed, but also pay attention to the condition of sobriety managers. číst dál

Child safety on the roads with reflective vests

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 7. 7. 2015 | přečteno: 771× | komentáře: 0
Children are briskly marching in reflective vests? Zweig it's no wonder. Since the beginning of September, the youngest preschoolers and elementary students participate in the campaign "Child safety on the roads". číst dál

Petrol in reflective vests to against crime

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 4. 7. 2015 | přečteno: 783× | komentáře: 0
"You can walk, remember to be seen with reflective tape, but why do you want with me pepper spray and baton?" Teresa objected from the organization People in Need. On presentation patrols came, as emphasized for it. číst dál

Nationwide traffic events promote reflective safety belts

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 1. 7. 2015 | přečteno: 850× | komentáře: 0
They selected the fine for around seventy thousand. číst dál