reflective tape

Who knows a lot about traffic? (») | 25. 3. 2021 | přečteno: 950× | komentáře: 0
Last week, for the first time, children and parents were able to puzzle their way through our traffic quiz, which is carried out together with the traffic educators from the police. The first correct answers have already been received. There are three questions again this week. The winners of the police teddy bears will be raffled off from all correct entries at the end of the year. číst dál

Cars in the wrong direction on the motorway: what to do and how to behave (») | 9. 3. 2021 | přečteno: 249× | komentáře: 0
089z8ebt4j4wgwetb57moqs800.jpgEncountering a vehicle moving against the direction of travel is a more frequent risk than you think: here's what to do if you have the wrong car on the motorway. číst dál

Car emergency kit: the necessary accessories (») | 29. 12. 2020 | přečteno: 408× | komentáře: 0
vhlprvcjbjzm-pfql3gylgs800.jpgHaving an emergency kit in your car is always advisable for your safety and that of your loved ones. The kits available on the market are so many, you can therefore buy one already assembled, but you can also create it with the DIY and customize it for your needs. In principle, each kit should have certain basic supplies. Today we offer you some tips on how to customize it. číst dál

A reflective vest can save lives. In which cases do you have to wear it? (») | 5. 11. 2020 | přečteno: 376× | komentáře: 0
089z8ebt4j4wgwetb57moqs800.jpgWhen an unpleasant collision occurs, many people do not think and run immediately to help. In some cases, such as poor visibility or darkness, they may not be visible on the road and maybe hit by a passing car. Unfortunately, there have been several such cases. číst dál

Mariño Mayor's Office optimizes public services in the jurisdiction (») | 28. 5. 2020 | přečteno: 542× | komentáře: 0
reflective tapesThe mayor of the Mariño municipality, Francisco González, through the City Council's Public Services Division, executes a plan for the adhesion of reflective tapes to the electric lighting poles in Juan Bautista Arismendi, Circunvalación Norte avenues, located in the marine geography, noted a press release. číst dál

They add 23 the delayed ones in San Pedro for not fulfilling the quarantine (») | 27. 5. 2020 | přečteno: 591× | komentáře: 0
reflective tapesWith only one access to the town enabled, the entry of all non-residents, and with reduced business hours being prohibited, it is estimated that compliance with compulsory quarantine exceeds 95% in San Pedro. číst dál

Implementation of reflective tapes for cargo vehicles will be phased (») | 26. 5. 2020 | přečteno: 561× | komentáře: 0
reflective tapesThe Government announced that the resolution issued by the Ministry of Transport that regulates the installation of retro-reflective tapes in cargo vehicles has already entered into force, to increase visibility and reduce the probability of road accidents. číst dál

Safety advocate suggests the use of rumble strips at crosswalks (») | 27. 4. 2020 | přečteno: 293× | komentáře: 0
reflective tapesThere seems to be a never-ending list of pedestrian deaths in the Halifax area. číst dál

Why you should get to know your liferaft (») | 26. 4. 2020 | přečteno: 312× | komentáře: 0
reflective tapesIt is easy to buy the cheapest liferaft and then forget about it, but do you know how to use it and what's inside? číst dál

Why you should get to know your liferaft (») | 26. 4. 2020 | přečteno: 337× | komentáře: 0
reflective tapesIt is easy to buy the cheapest liferaft and then forget about it, but do you know how to use it and what's inside? číst dál

Dealing with deer in the garden (») | 24. 4. 2020 | přečteno: 336× | komentáře: 0
reflective tapesPopulations of deer have risen dramatically in the eastern United States in recent years. Many have expanded their range and seem very comfortable in urban residential areas. číst dál

Whether it is possible to drive on the sidewalks and when to turn on the lights (») | 9. 4. 2020 | přečteno: 340× | komentáře: 0
reflective tapesAs the weather warms, drivers and pedestrians can meet more and more groups of road users - cyclists and scooters. Cyclists are happy to start the season earlier, but important rules to keep in mind before leaving home. číst dál

A knocked down pedestrian without reflective elements? Insurance companies may refuse to pay (») | 8. 4. 2020 | přečteno: 275× | komentáře: 0
reflective tapesSince 20 February this year, pedestrians moving outside the village have been obliged to be equipped with reflective elements in poor visibility. If the pedestrian does not have them and becomes a participant in a traffic accident, the insurance company may withdraw from the monetary benefit. číst dál

The cyclist rode with headphones and without reflective elements (») | 7. 4. 2020 | přečteno: 319× | komentáře: 0
reflective tapesHis carelessness was cruelly paid for by a man, who set out on a bike ride Wednesday morning. When going down the bike path, he drove directly under the wheels of his car. He died on the spot. číst dál

This year, 43 pedestrians were killed on the roads (») | 2. 4. 2020 | přečteno: 298× | komentáře: 0
reflective tapesMost road accidents happen due to inattention. And both by a driver and by pedestrians who might be carelessly crossing the road. According to police statistics, however, it seems that the Czechs as pedestrians on the roads more careful than before. In the first eight months of this year, 43 have died in accidents - historically at least since 1964, when statistics were introduced. číst dál