reflective uniform

Police in safety vest are patrolling shopping centers (») | 18. 1. 2018 | přečteno: 583× | komentáře: 0
For a few weeks in Lodz shopping centers can be observed officers equipped with long weapons and helmets. It means that something is threatening us. Residents are wondering. The police in safety vest explain that it is for security reasons. číst dál

Tussah drivers change their safety uniforms (») | 20. 12. 2017 | přečteno: 594× | komentáře: 0
The drivers will wear new reflective uniforms starting in February, designed by two Seville students. The garments are based on the color gray, white and crimson and as a novelty includes a series of accessories. číst dál

We show you what to do if you stay on the road (») | 7. 12. 2017 | přečteno: 595× | komentáře: 0
If you are a novice driver and you have never stayed on the road, you need some tricks, advice and safety equipments that any expert driver would have had at those road moments where we do not know what to do. číst dál

Security guards threaten to go on strike (») | 23. 11. 2017 | přečteno: 555× | komentáře: 0
This is how the security guards feel, that yesterday they concentrated on the Adie station in Tarragona to demand a series of rights and achieve the dignity of this sector. Claudio, one of the security guards in reflective uniform who yesterday were together with 50 other comrades in the station, says that they are carrying out these mobilizations at the state level mainly to request a fair national collective agreement and collect the extra risk, that in the last few years have cut by up to 87%. číst dál

Driver suffers a fatal accident after not wearing a reflective vest (») | 20. 11. 2017 | přečteno: 580× | komentáře: 0
A driver died on the morning of this Tuesday to be run over after not wearing reflective vest in the street, in the commune of Rena. číst dál

Bulletproof safety vests cover all Local Police (») | 15. 11. 2017 | přečteno: 550× | komentáře: 0
The City Council has already tendered for 82,547 Euros the purchase of 93 units and the rest will be purchased next year. The Local Police will have personal bulletproof safety vest for all the troops that usually walk the street. The commitment made by the Councilor for Citizen Security, Antonio Lorenzo, with unions such as UGT will allow the Costello policemen, who until now had to share this personal safety garment, have their own vest. číst dál

Prostitutes in Milan in reflective uniforms (») | 13. 9. 2017 | přečteno: 640× | komentáře: 0
The authorities of Milan have decided to take care of the safety of prostitutes and the movement of vehicles on the roadways. Women who drive customers on the roads will have to wear reflective uniforms - the same as road workers wear. číst dál

Children were given reflective vests (») | 1. 9. 2017 | přečteno: 557× | komentáře: 0
It often seems that when they see, they are also seen. Meanwhile, the driver sees a man without glare from a distance of up to 30 meters. Babies from Barbie’s school will be safer on the road; they will receive a reflective vest from the commune. číst dál

Good police advice for motorcyclist safe (») | 24. 8. 2017 | přečteno: 591× | komentáře: 0
The meeting at the School of Mechanical Schools in Opole was already the ninth edition of the event promoting the safety of two-wheelers in traffic. On the day open to the school were invited traffic policemen in reflective uniform and director and examiners of the Road Traffic Center in Opole. číst dál

They dressed up as road people with safety vest (») | 22. 8. 2017 | přečteno: 600× | komentáře: 0
They had helmets, reflective vests and road signs warning of ongoing work. Pseudo ibices planned - on the pretext of carrying out work to stop on the A1 highway bus carrying the fans of the hostile team. The "action" at the last minute tracked the police officers. číst dál

Reflections and presents for cyclists from police officers (») | 21. 8. 2017 | přečteno: 566× | komentáře: 0
Cyclists saw policemen in reflective uniform willingly stopping and checking. On Tuesday before noon near Grunewald plc, the Szczecin road has organized an action called the Spring Day Bicycle. "When spring starts, a large part of our city's inhabitants change into bicycles," says asp. "We planned to take control of this cycling route. číst dál

Don’t be the main road victims (») | 4. 8. 2017 | přečteno: 617× | komentáře: 0
San José, April 5 Of the 126 road traffic fatalities in Costa Rica in the first quarter of this year, 54 were motorcyclists, representing 43 percent of the total, said Mario Calderon in reflective uniform, director of the Police of Transit. číst dál

Police officers in reflective uniform reminded the children (») | 7. 11. 2015 | přečteno: 817× | komentáře: 0
Here, a high concentration of higher and secondary special educational institutions. Thousands of freshmen come from the most remote areas of the republic and they need time to adapt to the conditions of life in the city, living in a hostel, to adapt to the heavy traffic. číst dál

Traffic police in reflective uniform (») | 30. 10. 2015 | přečteno: 773× | komentáře: 0
To prove that on the highway Kiev-Odessa there is a conveyor for receiving bribes - they pretended the inspectors. What came of it - tell Andrew Anastasia. číst dál

Police officers with reflective uniform were amazed (») | 24. 10. 2015 | přečteno: 902× | komentáře: 0
Police raids in Klaipeda region all fed up with them, so on Saturday morning even 4 Klaipeda traffic police crews arrived at the office SKUODAS, check what filled the center of the inhabitants of the border region. Another forces lined up to check oncoming drivers from Mazeikiai. číst dál