safety vest

Children & Horses: "Mom, I want a pony!" (») | 18. 5. 2021 | přečteno: 858× | komentáře: 0
Horses on bed linen, school bags, T-shirts, and wallets. Horses are always on the lookout on vacation and somehow every conversation ends on the subject of horses. If this applies to your child, then the offspring is very likely "horse mad ". What immediately sounds like a psychosomatic illness is in truth pure fascination for horses and equestrian sports. Riding is a valuable hobby for the youngsters, but it also involves a lot of time and money. Because in most cases it is not a temporary phase - the horse becomes the center of life. číst dál

With the horse in traffic: When a lot of horsepower meets one horsepower (») | 8. 5. 2021 | přečteno: 825× | komentáře: 0
Cars and horses in traffic - mutual consideration is required číst dál

Students received reflective covers for school bags (») | 15. 3. 2021 | přečteno: 252× | komentáře: 0
Now that the days are getting shorter again and the ways to school are getting darker again, school children must be visible from afar. číst dál

Highway distractions cause pedestrian accidents (») | 2. 3. 2021 | přečteno: 377× | komentáře: 0
089z8ebt4j4wgwetb57moqs800.jpgIt is during the night hours and the fall and wintertime that the most accidents involving drivers and pedestrians are reported, according to a Hillsboro police officer. číst dál

Why wear a safety vest on a bicycle? (») | 5. 1. 2021 | přečteno: 380× | komentáře: 0
safety-vest.png"Cycling in the city is dangerous!" This is often the discourse we hear from non-cyclists and motorists. But what is dangerous is above all not to be seen by motorists. To be visible to other road users, there are some essential accessories for cyclists, including the safety vest. But what exactly is it? When should a cyclist wear it and under what conditions? We take stock of the reflective vest. číst dál

New mandatory equipment for riding an electric scooter (») | 4. 1. 2021 | přečteno: 337× | komentáře: 0
089z8ebt4j4wgwetb57moqs800.jpgElectric scooters, monowheels, gyropods, hoverboards ... Since July 8, 2020, motorized personal transport vehicles (EDPM) are subject to new rules. Horn, front and rear brakes, and lighting are now mandatory. číst dál

The guide to getting around town with the electric scooter (») | 23. 12. 2020 | přečteno: 382× | komentáře: 0
089z8ebt4j4wgwetb57moqs800.jpg2019 was the year that marked a step forward for the legal recognition of micro-mobility in Italy. The electric scooters - experienced great difficulty through sharing services - have been equated to bicycles. 2020 could become the first year in which these green vehicles begin to spread also thanks to the mobility bonus just launched by the government. Therefore, for those who have already bought or intend to buy a scooter for their daily trips, here is a simple guide to use in the city with what can be done and what cannot be done. číst dál

The fluorescent vest compulsory for schoolchildren (») | 8. 12. 2020 | přečteno: 370× | komentáře: 0
089z8ebt4j4wgwetb57moqs800.jpgMinimum gesture, maximum safety: while schoolchildren neglect to wear the neon safety vest, yet compulsory, and put themselves in danger, LTC announces checks and penalties. číst dál

Lighting controls with safety vest campaign (») | 27. 11. 2020 | přečteno: 376× | komentáře: 0
On Wednesday evening, the 2nd police station on Lübeck's Lindenplatz checked the correct lighting on various bicycles. Together with the prevention department of the Lübeck Police Department, more than 500 free, reflective safety vests from the Lübeck traffic watch were distributed to cyclists as part of the prevention concept to reduce cycling accidents, so that they can be better recognized in the dark. číst dál

How to behave in a wildlife accident (») | 26. 11. 2020 | přečteno: 368× | komentáře: 0
089z8ebt4j4wgwetb57moqs800.jpgNow in autumn, there are more accidents with wildlife. How to avoid them and what to do if it does happen, explains Josef Heßlinger, spokesman for the Bad Tölz District Hunting Association. číst dál

Motorcycle equipment: What clothes to wear according to the DGT and what is the best (») | 2. 6. 2020 | přečteno: 546× | komentáře: 0
safety vestMotorcyclists are one of the most vulnerable users of the road since together with cyclists and pedestrians they account for 46% of those killed in traffic accidents. Therefore, the absence of bodywork on motorcycles and mopeds must be compensated with equipment specially designed and adapted to protect these users. Having approved protective equipment (gloves, pants, boots, full-face helmet, jacket, or safety vest with airbag) is very important to reduce injuries, fractures, and burns to the skin and muscles. číst dál

Smart vests to keep your distance in times of coronavirus (») | 12. 5. 2020 | přečteno: 326× | komentáře: 0
safety vestThe protective safety vest has started to beep and vibrate, as the lights on the braces and waist come on. It is the signal that you are going to exceed the safety distance with another person that the coronavirus pandemic has introduced as a precautionary measure to avoid infections. číst dál

Make helmets and bright reflective attire a must for food delivery riders (») | 9. 5. 2020 | přečteno: 281× | komentáře: 0
safety vestI have observed that many food delivery riders do not wear helmets, whether they are on a bicycle or an e-bike. číst dál

Change is good: Volunteer for a fresh view (») | 8. 5. 2020 | přečteno: 312× | komentáře: 0
safety vestA baseball coach from my past, Paul Ryan, preached that opponents are, "Creatures of habit," and devised strategies for his Naperville North teams to exploit the weaknesses associated with repeated, comfortable habits. Likewise, he made change part of our routine so that, theoretically, opponents could not rely on us being predictable in-game situations. číst dál

Change is good: Volunteer for a fresh view (») | 8. 5. 2020 | přečteno: 312× | komentáře: 0
safety vestA baseball coach from my past, Paul Ryan, preached that opponents are, "Creatures of habit," and devised strategies for his Naperville North teams to exploit the weaknesses associated with repeated, comfortable habits. Likewise, he made change part of our routine so that, theoretically, opponents could not rely on us being predictable in-game situations. číst dál