reflective clothing

Argentine Justice suspends distributions of Glovo, Rappi (») | 14. 5. 2020 | přečteno: 337× | komentáře: 0
reflective clothingThe Observer from Uruguay. The Argentine judge Andrés Gallardo, head of the Administrative and Tax Litigation Court No. 2, ordered this Friday to immediately suspend the activity of delivery application companies Rappi, AplicacionesYa and Glovo in the city of Buenos Aires, as reported by La Nación. číst dál

An Expert's Guide to a Safe Run in Cold Weather (») | 23. 3. 2020 | přečteno: 302× | komentáře: 0
reflective clothing.Some people love to run no matter the season, even cold weather, and that is OK as long as you take proper precautions, a physical therapist says. číst dál

Police identify pedestrian killed in Friday Concord Pike crash (») | 6. 1. 2020 | přečteno: 335× | komentáře: 0
reflective clothingPolice have identified the pedestrian killed on Concord Pike as 64-year-old Deborah Pence. číst dál

Drivers have new obligations towards cyclists (») | 15. 7. 2019 | přečteno: 451× | komentáře: 0
reflective clothingYesterday, cyclists need to know and adhere to a modified set of rules on bicycle and bicycle riding, and drivers need to know that there is some news on their obligations to bicyclists. číst dál

Insanity organization around the 24h race at the Nürburgring necessary (») | 25. 6. 2019 | přečteno: 376× | komentáře: 0
To organize the ADAC TOTAL 24h race, a gigantic team is in action. On and off the track a huge effort is made to make the event a success. Race management, organization, sports maintenance, security personnel and the participants themselves - all contribute to the success. Birgit Arnold from the organization management and Manfred Strack, the operational project manager of the world's biggest motorsport event, are delivering impressive figures. číst dál

Drunk rode a policeman (») | 3. 12. 2018 | přečteno: 429× | komentáře: 0
He has a broken shoulder, a broken arm, a serious injury of the knee and a memory gap. The drunken woman had run away from him, he had already learned in the hospital from his wife. "When it happened, I documented an accident involving a cyclist. I do not remember anything more," says Power G. (37), a police technician. It is not known when he will get back on his feet and whether he will ever come back to duty. číst dál

Let yourself be visible on a motorcycle (») | 22. 5. 2018 | přečteno: 622× | komentáře: 0
Car drivers very often admit that there was an accident, because the motorcyclist did not notice. We suggest how you can improve your visibility on a motorcycle. číst dál

Reflective equipments for "unprotected" (») | 21. 5. 2018 | přečteno: 570× | komentáře: 0
As part of the "Unprotected" activities, officers handed out reflective vests to pedestrians and cyclists, thus improving their visibility, which in the autumn-winter period is significantly limited číst dál

Not everything gold is shining - reflections (») | 17. 5. 2018 | přečteno: 587× | komentáře: 0
As promised in the previous article, once a month we will post information about reflective clothing for motorcyclists. Increase your visibility and thus improve your safety. The time has come for news from the world of flares. The first question should be "how do flares work"? číst dál

Is Reflective motorcycle clothes necessity or fad (») | 15. 5. 2018 | přečteno: 548× | komentáře: 0
Autumn is coming soon and the weather will not allow for frequent and long trips on a single track as if we wanted to. Driving after dark and in the dark will become an everyday necessity. It was then good to be visible and to see others. It is not necessary to explain the legitimacy of applying glare - this is how the article would start, but it will not start, if only because translation is necessary, especially among motorcyclists. číst dál

Pedestrians must wear reflective clothing after dark (») | 11. 5. 2018 | přečteno: 573× | komentáře: 0
Pedestrians who walk outside the built-up area after dark must wear reflective clothing. From September, reflections for pedestrians will be mandatory. There was not much left for the tragedy. Mrs. Alicia from Lodz was traveling with her husband for a holiday to the countryside. It was dark; the road was winding and narrow. číst dál

Russo drives without any safety equipments and hit a child (») | 19. 3. 2018 | přečteno: 563× | komentáře: 0
Tuesday, January 20, the court of Thiensville was investigating the trial of a 32-year-old Russo’s for "aggravated manslaughter" and "no assistance to person in danger.” Drunk and under the influence of narcotics, he had hit a scooter schoolchild without reflective clothing at night. 10 years in prison were required. číst dál

The reflective vest is not embarrassed (») | 22. 1. 2018 | přečteno: 635× | komentáře: 0
I admit that I have a few clothes in the closet with reflective material that I have never worn because of road safety, but to be visible in the ultraviolet at techno parties or dressing up (vanity knows no limits). In addition, I admit that to some point I considered them obtuse. In addition, at the sight of a cyclist with luminous bracelets around my calves, I raised my eyebrow ... But when I became a mother, the point of view changed radically. I personally attached a reflective band to my pushchair to make sure that we can see us in the autumn and winter shawl. Besides, in the set for the Swedish brand trolley, I also had a cover with a large reflection. In addition, in this way the reflections came back to grace. číst dál

Mandatory reflective vests for every pedestrian (») | 11. 1. 2018 | přečteno: 540× | komentáře: 0
rom September 1, every pedestrian walking after dark outside the built-up area will have to wear reflective clothing or a headband. According to statistics, about 1,000 pedestrians and cyclists die in Poland on dark roads every year. From September 1, everyone moving around at dusk along roads in the unconstructed area will have to have visible reflective elements. Janus Dulia from the slip road in Sups should be extended by unpublished areas, including built-up ones, because many municipalities cannot afford sidewalks and illuminate the village all night long. From the beginning of next mo... číst dál

Promoting children walk to school with reflective vest (») | 29. 11. 2017 | přečteno: 598× | komentáře: 0
Promoting the arrival on foot, by bicycle or scooter with wear safety vest to schools to avoid the crowds of vehicles at the doors of schools is the goal of the latest initiative launched yesterday by the City Council of Narvon. číst dál