Období: rok 2015

Battery-powered lights are approved for road traffic

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 28. 12. 2015 | přečteno: 722× | komentáře: 0
Whether for work, school or private - more and more people use the bicycle for short to medium length routes, even in winter. Students in the District have now been taken in light of the police under the microscope. 111 officers checked more than one month the bikes of students. The result was very positive. Nearly 90 percent of all two-wheelers were according to the police in order. Especially from the new legislation, which came into force on August 1 this year, many students have made use: Even cordless and battery-powered lights are approved for road traffic since the summer. Accordingly, significantly more wheels were better lit than in recent years, it said in a statement to the police. číst dál

Despite safety vest not seen

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 23. 12. 2015 | přečteno: 743× | komentáře: 0
Especially in the dark winter months wear many cyclists also a reflective vest in the hopes that you will be more visible. But the most glaring clothing does not protect, if motorists are distracted, phone or simply looking in the wrong direction. And that's often the accident reason than you think. číst dál

Reflective vest is important

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 19. 12. 2015 | přečteno: 678× | komentáře: 0
Between two and three hundred pouring defiant Friday obis forecast and met until torchlight and ignition of the Christmas tree in the center Os. Dei dress and is looking forward, smiling Steiner Bø. Shop The man has long experience with Flare Friday and look up not scare of some drops of rain. číst dál

Safety vest is significantly

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 18. 12. 2015 | přečteno: 823× | komentáře: 0
Thursday marked reflexes day. NAF has tested what is best visible - and concludes that the safety vest is significantly better than sticks and ribbon. But only one in four uses some of its parts. číst dál

Handed out 345 reflective vests

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 16. 12. 2015 | přečteno: 666× | komentáře: 0
Construction Market Loosen shared Wednesday out reflective vests to a value of 30,000 to two schools. číst dál

Traffic Vests with reflective tape for the youngest

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 14. 12. 2015 | přečteno: 619× | komentáře: 0
Bornholm Fire has once again chosen to dress the new schoolchildren on a reflective vest. číst dál

What to put on and how to dress safety vest

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 12. 12. 2015 | přečteno: 681× | komentáře: 0
What to wear, if we want to run? Running with safety vest is unlike, say, tennis or skiing, or even far more expensive sports activity is relatively low cost. What you need is good shoes - it would start. Uppers can be purchased later and gradually. číst dál

Malice officers advised cyclists wear reflective vest

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 10. 12. 2015 | přečteno: 647× | komentáře: 0
Domelike - Forty cyclists checked in Tuesday afternoon on a cycle path from Domelike to Havlovic Domelike municipal constables. číst dál

Unlit cyclists with safety vest pay a fine

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 8. 12. 2015 | přečteno: 700× | komentáře: 0
Traffic policemen on Thursday light the riotous cyclists on číst dál

Be visible cyclist withreflective tape on clothing

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 14. 11. 2015 | přečteno: 667× | komentáře: 0
On the occasion of the week "Cyclists: Shine!”Commuter discovers the X4 new light that will allow you to be easily located far from the dark! číst dál

He improved coexistence between cyclists and drivers in safety vest

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 12. 11. 2015 | přečteno: 671× | komentáře: 0
The organization highlights the Bikes for Life on Sunday again make a bike ride on Route 82 to demand more cycle lanes and improving shoulders. číst dál

District occurred three road accidents

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 9. 11. 2015 | přečteno: 765× | komentáře: 0
For a week in the Recites district, there were three accidents deaths of women. číst dál

Police officers in reflective uniform reminded the children

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 7. 11. 2015 | přečteno: 817× | komentáře: 0
Here, a high concentration of higher and secondary special educational institutions. Thousands of freshmen come from the most remote areas of the republic and they need time to adapt to the conditions of life in the city, living in a hostel, to adapt to the heavy traffic. číst dál

Students distributed reflective bracelets

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 5. 11. 2015 | přečteno: 811× | komentáře: 0
Kiev students for road safety distributed reflective bracelets. číst dál

Prostitutes in Italy will be obliged to wear a reflective vest

stebenda.blogerka.cz (») | 3. 11. 2015 | přečteno: 787× | komentáře: 0
Sex workers is proposed to introduce a uniform like road workers - revealing tops to hide under a reflective vest and wear pants instead of short skirts. Those who refuse to follow the new rules face fines Italy. The authorities of the Italian city of Spine dada put forward a proposal to introduce uniform for prostitutes working on the highway Milan-Cremona. According to Correspondent, female sex workers is proposed to introduce a uniform like road workers - revealing tops to hide under a reflective vest and wear pants instead of short skirts. číst dál