Road accidents in cyclists should be concerned

Napsal (») 11. 9. 2015 v kategorii Road accidents, přečteno: 790×

Road accidents in cyclists are one of the issues of concern to those responsible for the General Directorate of Traffic in recent years. According to statistics from the DGT in 2013 bicycle users they were involved in 5,835 accidents.

Due to this high figure, there are many voices demanding that cyclists should pay for insurance as they do cars. However, Spain has 3,426 cycling clubs registered with the Royal Spanish Cycling Federation. One of the advantages of being federated is precisely the liability insurance covering damage to third parties at any time that we mounted on a bicycle. In addition, the federation includes a sports accident insurance policy which will cover the necessary medical care in case of an injury while cycling anywhere in the world.

These organizations also offer other advantages such as legal advice, discounts on shops and the elimination of pay for a license required to participate in marches day cyclists. The latter is a big advantage because the participation in 3 marches and would have covered the cost of the share of the club, "says Ruben Marshal, director of Basilisk.

The use of safety equipment still remains an unresolved issue. DGT data reveal that of the 36 cyclists died during 2013 in the Spanish roads, 10 of them did not use helmet despite being mandatory on intercity routes. Wear a helmet when you go biking is a simple act that saves lives and prevents serious injuries.

The market offers a wide variety of helmets and reflective accessories that help protect us and be visible to drivers. "The helmet helps reduce the severity of accidents for more than half of those killed died from brain injury cyclists. There are helmets of different shapes and colors, cyclists should seek to make them feel more comfortable as well as safe, "says Marshal.”In addition, good equipment, as appropriate cycling shoes and reflective clothing, and prudence are the best allies of cyclists in both urban roads and highway," the director Bicilink.

The new traffic law in force since May 11 requires helmet with reflective tapes use in two cases: in intercity roads and always for children under 16 years. Agents cannot lock the bike to comply with this requirement but if they can put them economic sanctions.

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