Donate reflective vests to women

Napsal (») 13. 8. 2018, přečteno: 485×
reflective heat transfer vinyl

Cycling tours on the Lower Rhine are always part of the annual program of the country women. Provincial Rhineland has donated a set of safety vests to the woman so that the female cyclists can take part in the traffic in a clearly visible and thus safe manner.

At the start of the last bike tour Olli Koehler came to there and handed the participants bright yellow reflective safety vests with the provincial logo which is made of reflective heat transfer vinyl.

So equipped the ladies cycled to the blueberry plantation. During a tour of the farm, rural women learned that Blueberry Giant has grown since 2006 to initially 15 hectares of blueberries. In the meantime, 75 hectares of tasty berries grow rich in antioxidants and thus have an anti-inflammatory effect and protect against many diseases. For the fresh marketing, the blueberries are harvested by 200 female harvest workers. Experience has shown that women harvest higher quality berries than male colleagues for better fine motor skills. Only in harvesting tips is the mechanical harvester used, because the berries harvested in this way can only be processed into juice or jam. At home, you can keep the berries in the fridge for up to a week.

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