Cyclists without high visibility clothing face serious injuries

Napsal (») 14. 1. 2015 v kategorii high visibility clothing, přečteno: 1133×

If they represent a small share of road traffic, cyclists are particularly vulnerable if not wearing any high visibility clothing.

The week of road safety starts on Monday. Only this year, cyclists have paid a particularly disturbing tribute, reported the National Road Safety Council, which met on Monday in the National Assembly. Thus, according to figures of road safety, the number of bicycle deaths twelve-month rolling grew 6% with 158 cyclists killed between October 2013 and October 2014. However, since 2007, this figure is rather remained stable ranging between 147 and 162 dead. Particularly vulnerable cyclists account for 5% of road deaths and 15% of serious injuries for only 2% of traffic, according to data from the French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport, Land and networks.

Wearing a reflective helmet abandoned

A recent Opinion Way survey points to incivility bike. Thus, 88% of cyclists surveyed acknowledge having already broken the rules of the road. Worse, they are 77% to admit as much or take more risks bike on board a motor vehicle. Stéphane Daeschner is responsible for prevention in MMA even believes that a true "sense of impunity" was installed, 44% of respondents who feel that they are not likely to take a bike fine. The study also shows that the helmet is ignored by 59% of cyclists and only 44% of them wearing reflective clothing. This trend is particularly pronounced among younger people, three quarters of which is provide any security feature. Paradoxically, 44% of respondents admit to having had an accident.

Such a "questioning" has boosted the Federation of users of the bicycle, which comprises a network of 185 local associations. It estimates that the proportion of people who have violated the rules of the road is much the same as for other road users. "This study gives pride to the all-car, while the speed of the motor is one of the leading causes of unsafe city for cyclists and pedestrians," still provides the federation. And Geneviève Laferrère President recalled Monday in the columns of Le Parisien ". Cyclists pose less danger to others and we have never seen a bike killing a motorist"

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