Eco-Cycling with safety vest for cyclist safety

Napsal (») 13. 12. 2017 v kategorii high visibility vest, přečteno: 589×

The Miguel Angel School will hold this Friday, November 24, a bicycle race organized in coordination with Eco-Cycling, starting at 9:30 am from the facilities of the educational establishment.

Students will take part from fourth grade of Primary to third of Secondary, as well as parents and teaching staff, this with the purpose of giving high visibility vests to the bicycle workers who work in the Industrial Zone of this city.

Each student who will participate in this race will give a safety vest, this to raise awareness among cyclists to use them to make them more visible and to return safely to their homes. In addition, to avoid accidents that is quite common, where many people have been involved on board their bicycle.

The delivery of safety reflective vests will take place the following Wednesday at 17:30 hours outside the facilities of Coca Cola, by the old road to San Pedro. It is expected a wide attendance of students accompanied by parents and friends, who will make a tour around the Miguel Angel School, located in Allude Avenue and La Opinion Street.

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