High visibility vest: bright and safely through the dark season

Napsal stebenda.blogerka.cz (») 6. 1. 2015 v kategorii high visibility vest, přečteno: 1140×

At least since the time change puts a lot of the people the way to school or work mostly in the dark back. Also on the way home in the evening, it is often not clear. As pedestrians and cyclists can avoid accidents, yesterday police and representatives of local organizations demonstrated in the social group at an information booth at the Rahdener weekly market.

Klaus Torno, police chief inspector and road safety consultant, has hung a choice of high visibility vests to be emergency vehicle. "This is the best safety vest," he says, holding a Neon yellow model with sleeves high. "This is meant for motorcyclists. I would also recommend any other, "said Torno.

By law, a rich sleeveless vest, like them, also contributes Hans Waltemate, Chairman of the Association of Social Rahden and showing off. This is the typical "Roadworks vest" that there is to buy at any hardware store for little money, so Torno. "That's not great, but better than nothing."

Carrying a vest is mandatory in any vehicle. Who has broken down and must leave the car is better visible. "I personally think this is different," says road safety consultant. He was now in line Austrian legislation. This provides for, that there was a vest for each seat in the car. "I drive a private seven-seater, have therefore also seven west in the car."

Full of enthusiasm, he also leads the so-called "Powerflare" before. This is a flat warning light, the shape of a hockey puck with comparable and may, for example, the following accidents used. The model is lit in red and blue, custom blink intervals can be set. Magnets ensure that the lamp, for example, can be fastened on the roof or top of the trunk.

For parents Torno has a special tip. Young people often refused to wear a safety vest. A compromise was, for example, wearing a safety vest for athletes. While this is mostly black, but have nevertheless reflective stripes. Here, too, the principle applies: a little better than nothing.

If you're traveling in the dark on foot or by bike, should see to their own interests for adequate visibility, says Klaus Torno. "What good is it if I was not to blame for the accident 'on my grave stone is?" Torno ask at the information desk. "Compared to a moving car, man is becoming weaker."

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