New firefighter protective clothing with reflective strip

Napsal (») 29. 5. 2015 v kategorii protective clothing, přečteno: 1084×

"Only protective clothing that fits properly can also protect reasonable. Are the sleeves too short, it may cause an injury, "says Sven Emcee Wahlstedts platoon leader (39), which is also active in the ABC-train the county Fire Services Association. Three years took him and his firefighter’s colleagues until they had opted for the sand-colored protective safety clothing from the Austrian manufacturer Exports.

"The color we have chosen because of the better visibility day and because it soot and other contaminants are much more visible," said Emcee.
Almost all manufacturers equip their protective clothing made with membranes welding outward rainwater but not let in. However, the reflective strips were always a problem. Most companies use for plastic, which is made without appropriate membranes. The downside: Among the reflective strips Condensation collects. In an up to 1000-degree flame, they have gotten the firefighters in Rohlstorf which condensation begins to boil and other injuries caused by scalding programmed.

Many other factors play an important role in choosing the reflective clothing manufacturer. One factor is the color. The ABC-train the county firefighters association had decided years ago for the color red to be recognizable as ABC train immediately. Only this particular field of application, the signal color is red but not reserved.

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