Reflective accessories makes more visible

Napsal (») 13. 6. 2015 v kategorii reflective accessory, přečteno: 921×

I present new American company running shoes with reflective tape 'Tope Athletic', based in Boston and directed by Tony Post (To-Po) former CEO (Chief executive officer) of Viral. The CEO, or the CEO Castilian, is generally the highest position of a company. I remind you that Viral pioneered the minimalist USA and brand that brought the concept "five fingers" and I think the minimal trend and the controversy as to the minimum vs. maxims still fishtailing soles...

Last year the first models of the collection with a clear reminiscence Tope "Viral" in separating the big toe from the other four were presented. But the new 2015 models that we tested this MT I move away a little of the clear downward trend of minimalism and resume the traditional mold, but with some particularity learned natural running. Including a small but providing same reflective elements, enough cushioning and foot protection to be able to run down the mountain safely, a narrow heel and rounded to a particular offering a very generous space for toes and allows feel the position of the foot on the drop ground in each of the strides.

Tony Post recently said he was pleased with the acceptance that the anatomical design of its models is having among American athletes. Now they are entering Europe expecting the same and already have available web

The shared values of the different models in its collection for asphalt trail and gym are the anatomical shape, very livereaf mediasuelas medium height and neutral, and a design that tries to favor the natural movement of the foot.

"The runner with reflective accessories know you better, be stronger or faster is not coincidental but you have to make things happen ... According Tope there are a number of options that allow you to be better than yesterday, including choosing your shoes, a smart move that will allow train harder and do it again every morning. "

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