Safer school: Pupils got reflective accessory

Napsal (») 27. 4. 2015 v kategorii reflective accessory, přečteno: 1058×

Without reflective accessories pedestrians or cyclists on the roads will have unnecessary chances of having accidents. Especially in low light conditions because the driver are hard to see. Reflective elements also recently received schoolchildren in villages in the Frydek-Mistek.

Maybe Tibor Račev who attends fifth grade in elementary school Nošovice, a useful gift praises. "It's super. In the morning I go to school myself, I think it would help me, I will be more visible, "says. Like eighteen hundred other children from the region on Thursday got reflective tape and reflective pendants hand and briefcase.

Safety features them the representatives’ carmaker Hyundai, which from the beginning cooperates with thirteen municipalities in the area thanks to the good neighbor program. "This year we came up with the traffic safety project begins to fall, so it gets dark early morning is still dim. Reflective elements greatly increase the safety of pedestrians; it is an effective contribution to active safety of children, "said company spokesman Petr Vanek.

Policemen similar activities welcome. According to them, the reflective elements come to the attention of pedestrians and cyclists, which can save your life. "It is obvious that education is important. People are aware of how to protect themselves, "says Daniela Vlčková from the regional police headquarters." We expect to increase the safety of children hear from their parents, from school. But the more times they will repeat this fact, the greater the chance that to remember for the future. "

While cyclists Act remembers with pedestrians duty lighting or marking reflective accessories apply. Experts from organizations BESIP but warn that a man in a black driver sees at night to seven times shorter than the distance pedestrians with reflective clothing. "Any activity for the children's safety is our part welcome. We have other news, village built sidewalks in front of the school is a new pedestrian crossing, "cites the director Igor Slováček Nosovice school.

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