Children could carry reflective clothing

Napsal (») 9. 9. 2015 v kategorii reflective clothing, přečteno: 704×

As part of prevention campaigns Police of the Czech Republic, Hradec Kralove Region "I want to see" and Road Safety "See and be seen", the police in reflective uniform decided to ask the youngest road users in the form of games and demonstrations to explain to them how important it is in traffic especially in poor visibility move while being viewed. Thus, with reflectors, which are also regional coordinator BESIP children brought.

Children could try and carry a reflective vest, reflective tape, reflective adhesive critters or signs warning about the dangers of driving or stopping reflective STOP sign. The officers explained to the children how important it is that future schoolchildren had a briefcase to school, jackets, shoes and other accessories marked with reflective elements, as well as helmets, scooters or bicycles.

Policemen children handed out explanatory leaflets for parents, so that even adults can learn what the difference in distance and the driver's reaction when they see the road lit or unlit pedestrian or cyclist. Issues that are currently no longer apply, and all that is in today's heavy traffic literally vital and lecturer tried to describe even the smallest and most vulnerable road users.

Although children with traffic education yet familiar, especially preschoolers have excellent knowledge behind them policemen, along with Mr. Hose happy applauded.

That children not only in the morning full of dull theories out there waiting for them and a police car kit and equipment riot units, along with an example of a breath test to detect breath alcohol in drivers, and although uncomfortably cold crawled under reflective clothing, children individual stations abandoned only reluctantly.

"We believe that at least a hint of awareness that it is better to be seen than the unseen, are small clever header leaving our future generations," said Alana police spokesman.

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