How to ride a motorbike in a traffic jam

Napsal (») 23. 8. 2017 v kategorii reflective clothing, přečteno: 470×

How to safely and easily move a motorcycle or scooter in urban traffic? How to legally squeeze in the traffic jam? With wear a safety vest? Often you ask us how to ride in a traffic jam to get around safely, safely and legally in a crowded city. Numerous doubts often affect the beginners, but not only. To get acquainted with the set of rules I encourage all, also the more experienced. Or maybe with some point you do not agree?

1. Keep a distance, keep a safe distance

Polish traffic law does not prohibit drivers from over passing in traffic jams. The rules only mention how to keep "safe distance" from other vehicles. Of course, this "safe distance" is a relative term, because the code does not specify specific numbers. In practice, it's a good idea to leave a margin of error that will allow you to react in the event of an unexpected turnaround. Remember that the drivers who are standing in the traffic jam come up with different, weird ideas, starting with the swing of the hand through the glass, ending with the door open. It also happens that they decide to clean the windshield by using a sprayer for this - in the case of an open viewfinder; you can get the eyes in that situation.

2. Squeeze between the two fastest belts

Speaking of roads, where we have more than two lanes to drive in one direction. I admit that the situations in which motorcyclists in reflective clothing are bumping between the first and second lane and the second and third lane lead me crazy. There is complete chaos and confusion. For some time we have such an unwritten principle that we always squeeze between the two fastest lanes, the closest ones to the left. In the case of three-lane roads, this is the "path" between the second and third lane, from the right. Of course, there are unique situations in which this "path" is blocked and then we can use the space on the other side. It is important that after performing such maneuver back between the two fastest lanes and continue driving.

3. Do not drive

Profaning, noise, trumpeting, and other forms of pressure on car drivers are nasty and unethical behaviors that are damned. We need to understand that no one has a statutory obligation to give up motorcycle rides. The drivers do it exclusively with good will, so let's look at each other. Okay, if we get noticed in the mirror, but I do not think it's the right thing to do to spin the handle ... I guarantee that if you scare a baby in a baby car seat, his mom will never give up again to you and to any other motorcyclist. Personally I prefer to stay, look in the side mirror of the visual contact with the driver and heartily smile to him. Until now it always worked...

4. If you want to attract the attention of drivers, the better method of chattering is to improve visibility. If you claim that a reflective vest is a shade, you have a choice of bright, glittering helmets, light colored clothing, or at least colored inserts. I do not suggest that anyone repaint a motorcycle in white, but from my observations it is easier to squeeze in urban traffic. And one more - traffic lights (so called "long") is a poor idea - another method for unnecessarily annoying car drivers.

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