Reflective clothing is a duty in the Czech Republic for pedestrians in certain situations. A pedestrian - a pedestrian must wear a vest - a reflective vest, and a reflexive strip - reflective strip or other reflective elements. And this is true in the dark - darkness or in the rain - rain or fog - fog on streets that have neither citizens - pavement nor lighting - lighting.
Reflective clothing is made of a material that emits light, namely the light coming from a reflector, that is, a reflector. The reflection clearly increases the visibility of the pedestrian, and therefore it is not easily overlooked by motorists - to overlook.
Reflecting is called backlighting, a reflection is okras. A retro-reflector is therefore called odrazka. In philosophy, reflexes reflect the perception of one's own mental activity, sometimes it is used as a synonym for reflection and superior.
To reflect on something – reflective material means to be interested in something - or to apply for something. Next time we will talk about the reflexes.