Workers in safety vest work for city

Napsal (») 31. 8. 2017 v kategorii reflective clothing, přečteno: 511×

"It's not easy, but you can make a couple worse.” There's a lot of sand in the streets, but we're pretty good at it." The worst is working in the heat. I have that in the sun I'm out of strength. That's why it takes some water to cool off, some shade, to hide for a while and work on it, "adds Elsa with wear a reflective vest.

In the public works sweeping streets, her sister Dakota also works. It is one of the many orphaned orphans of the former Odra thread factory. "At my age, it's hard to get a job somewhere, and here I can retire to retirement. After the Odra fell, I wasted some years. I went to Italy, but it is known that it was a black job, now it is white, although it is not. As it is over, the legs feel strong, spine. When I come home, I first wash. It is not a clean job; the streets get dusty, especially as it is dry. But someone somehow got used to it - I hear from Dorothy, which, unlike her sister, is hardest to work when Polish golden autumn comes. - The worst time for me is October, November, when the leaves are falling. The man cleans and flies next. It's a bit like fighting windmills, and as the wind is still, it is not quite pleasant anymore - says D. Malinowski, a native novice. "How can I think of a city as clean as it looks?" It seems to me that people see it. As they see, there is certainly a greater sense that our work makes sense - adds my interlocutor.

This is how my interlocutors work hard, notes Cadim, president of New Solo. - He comes to us, he writes his hand, thank you for that we are - I heard on the basis of public works from employees.

"I bow to worthy people who wear safety vest sweep streets, mow grass, and collect leaves, plant trees, bushes and flowers. I am also proud of the fact that we help people through work - says Skies. And immediately adds: - No work does not dishonor. If necessary, I am ready to sweep the streets with these proud men. You can indefinitely without paying rent; you can also work out arrears for simple cleaning work. We have a mutual benefit then. Tenants do not grow debt, and the city is clean and beautiful - stresses the president of New Solo.

At the same time, he remembers that the public works managed by Jerry are celebrating this year's 25th anniversary. - It is largely thanks to public works we have a beautiful Krasner Park, BMX track, Rope Park and many other attractions. The team of Mr. Jerk Celera performs works in the city, which require fast and efficient operation. It may not be a great way to make money, but it is possible to survive difficult times in your life. Many activists and public works helped to get out of difficult life moments. Many people have allowed it to return to the path of life. I am proud of these people and their work - adds the President of the New Salt.

Let's return to the specimen. One of the younger ladies is Eva, who works with public works since 2013 with an annual break when she was on maternity leave. - I work very well. Never hard work I was not afraid. I even helped with chopping down the tree. My dad used to work in sweeping streets too, so I can say that I went in his footsteps. I'm not scared. As I work on the streets of the city, I feel satisfied that it is also our merit "admits E. Sandi, who was cleaning up that morning.

- After the party was a massacre, but somehow managed to bring it clean. I miss this job in that place. I mention it with a great sentiment, it lacks contact with people. At these events you could also have a laugh. You saw, because you came too ... "- smiled Mrs. Danish, who for a year before closing the discotheque seized the coat of arms connected with work in public works.

"We like it here too; we're playing together, a bit like our football team with reflective clothing. It is also fun here, especially after work we are back to base. We are joking, we laugh, although we are very tired, "she said.

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