Measures to reduce accident rate: wear reflective coat

Napsal (») 27. 6. 2015 v kategorii reflective coat, přečteno: 829×

The extreme weather conditions, especially in the prefectures of Macedonia and Epirus, forced the company Agnatic Odes to issue a Communication, probably "for fear of the Jews."

The announcement, it seems, is intended to draw attention to the passing drivers who will use the highway, as expected heavy rainfall, storms and even hail, which will undoubtedly hinder driving conditions and will multiply-thelontas and the non- traffic accident probabilities and for this reason drivers wear the coat with reflective stripes are asked to be more careful and to observe security measures.

The whole announcement:

"From the" Agnatic Odes SA "announces that, according to the forecasts of NMS, noon, especially expected severe weather in Northern Greece (Epirus, Macedonia and Thrace), along the entire Agnatic Motorway and its Vertical Axes, with showers and thunderstorms, likely to be accompanied by hailstorms.

These phenomena are projected to continue Saturday 11/08/2014.

On Sunday 09/11/2014, too weakening phenomena in most areas, showers and thunderstorms will continue intermittently in Eastern Macedonia and Thrace. Drivers planning to move in the coming days the entire length of the Agnatic Odes and the vertical axis Astoria, Evokes, Bastion and Nymphaia requested to be especially careful and observe the following safe driving tips:

1. Before their trip to consult the weather forecast and any restrictions on movement by the Police and if possible, avoid moving under conditions of intense weather events.

2. To make the necessary technical checks on their vehicle (fuel, brakes, tires, wipers, antifreeze, battery, etc.) before moving.

3. Have reflective vests for all passengers.

4. Have crawlers and know their use.

5. Under intense weather phenomena to be especially careful, keep increasing distances from vehicles ahead and adjust the speed of their vehicles to the prevailing conditions. • Have lighted "medium" lights (passing lights) on their vehicle.

6. Do not stop on the lane or inside tunnels for fitting snow chains.

7. If you require the stopping of the vehicle for emergency reasons, only be on the right Gaza Emergency (LEA).

8. Monitor and follow the instructions of fixed and electronic tagging.

9. To follow the instructions of the Traffic Police in reflective uniform and the Personal road operation and maintenance. Specific drivers of all trucks and especially non-loaded, please pay particular attention to the marking and avoid traveling in conditions of strong winds. For information, if you move on Agnatic Odes, contact the emergency telephone number, tel. 1077 "

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