All household consumers need to wear safety vestAs of January 2017, all household consumers need to wear safety vest, whether they have a central heating system or a gas cooker only, have th

Napsal (») 24. 5. 2017 v kategorii reflective element, přečteno: 555×

As of January 2017, all household consumers need to wear safety vest, whether they have a central heating system or a gas cooker only, have the obligation to install a gas detector if the rooms in which these appliances operate are fitted with insulating windows.

The year 2017 came with a new obligation on the Romanians head. They will have to install natural gas detectors in any room where they have gaseous fuel consuming appliances, that is, a stove or a thermal plant. This obligation was decided by ANRE and appeared, say authorities, as a result of the collective club tragedy, which resulted in the death of 64 young people. The ANRE Order says that gas detectors must be installed only in enclosed spaces with 4 mm thick thicker, secured or double-glazed windows, but also in the situation where the gas supplier finds that the plants are no longer operating safely.

"According to Order 179/2015 issued by ANRE, the final customer wear light clothing has the obligation to ensure the observance of the technical conditions for the safe operation of the installation. These safety requirements require the installation of automatic gas detectors with a sensitivity limit of at least 2 per cent methane (CH4) in air, in glazed rooms with a thickness of more than 4 mm or which are of special construction. These gas detectors are designed to act on the gas supply pipe closure of gas-consuming appliances and thereby eliminate any risk factor for an incident.

Where the technical conditions for the safe operation of reflective element the installation by the customer are not met, the distribution operator, with prior notification to the gas supplier of the customer concerned, has the legal right to cease natural gas supply until When these technical conditions are observed, "ENGIE Romania officials declared for" Free Life ".

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