Be careful if you are traveling by car

Napsal (») 15. 3. 2018 v kategorii reflective element, přečteno: 565×

Everything you need to know to drive without worry on the other side of the Pyrenees. While the roads of some border countries require a fundamental change in driving habits, those of Spain are certainly among the easiest to apprehend for the French motorist. Before leaving, make sure you have a second safety triangle (so that you have one at 50 m in the front and the other at the back in the event of a breakdown or accident) and, if is already done, a set of spare bulbs and a reflective vest per person.

The speed limits to be respected are as follows: 50 km / h in the city, 90 km / h on the road, 100 km / h on four-lanes and 120 km / h on the motorway. Overall well supplied and excellent bill up to its less traveled ramifications, the Spanish road network also has a clear signal with reflective element.

• Free highways ... Or paying

On the other hand, its complexity can be disconcerting: the motorways are sometimes free, more rarely paying, notably around the big cities served by a maze of peripheral devices. This abundance of alternative routes allows particularly fluid traffic outside major cities. Corollary, the drivers in safety vest of the most remote regions sometimes forget that someone can arrive in front: keep your right...

Be careful finally to the subtleties of parking, especially as Spanish municipalities have easy pound. In the blue zones, for example, it is impossible to park more than 1:30 am between 8 am and 9 pm (after obtaining a parking disk at a tobacconist or a newsagent. In the city centers, the Zone ORA can be even more restrictive (30, 60 or 90 minutes) Finally, in one-way streets, parking is alternated: odd numbers on odd days, and vice versa.

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