High school students conduct campaign on reflective elements

Napsal stebenda.blogerka.cz (») 4. 8. 2015 v kategorii reflective element, přečteno: 922×

On Thursday (16 July) on the New Market in Lid bark local high school students conducted a summer campaign "stay safe on the road" with reflective elements for first aid.

The campaign was addressed to residents and guests Lidzbarka to promote road safety. Students in reflective vest prepared leaflets about the most common causes of road accidents and have developed password reminders of safe behavior on the road, which were distributed to passers-by. With the help of a volunteer from the Red Cross Dzialdowo be able to practice resuscitation on a phantom, the use of defibrillator.

Youth conducted a survey in which residents were asked, among others, about whether buckle belts in the car, and once they got the mandate, or whether they had to provide first aid to the victim. They claimed that such actions are necessary and should be repeated.

In action, the students were accompanied by officers with reflective uniform from the police station in Lid bark.

Thank you very much Mr. Mayor that supported our summer campaign, participating in it as well as gifts for our youth.

Holiday originator of the "stay safe on the road" was Joanna Lexica, which together with the students: Barros, Victoria, Victor Magma and Adam Lewandowski carried out this action.

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