Reflective equipments for cyclists

Napsal (») 14. 8. 2015 v kategorii reflective equipment, přečteno: 840×

Weather frightens, but in the end the sun clouds - shone in the chair. 11.30, half an hour before when hundreds of cyclists wear reflective garment and set off from the Kielce market in the direction of the Forest Stadium. Thus began on Saturday in Kielce Great Weekend "Poland on bicycles" with champion have Włoszczowska.

Weather frightens, but in the end the sun clouds - shone in the chair. 11.30, half an hour before when hundreds of cyclists with reflective vest set off from the Kielce market in the direction of the Forest Stadium. Thus he began on Saturday in Kielce Great Weekend "Poland on bicycles" with champion have Włoszczowska.

That is almost time for the start of a great cycling holidays, it was possible to convince the Kielce already reaching the market. At the pedestrian crossing at al. Ages IX Kielce before 11am counted eight cyclists waiting for the light to change and only two pedestrians.

The city had time to the renovation market on time - commissioning of the new granite slabs held three days earlier. Those who knew Kielce earlier, they could not get over how changed the central point of the city.

From the remaining four contestants’s mountain biking team CCC Polkowice differed white dress, which she had received, earning the title of world champion.

Photos do young and old, arriving for a party on bicycles and pedestrians who happened to come out at this time for a walk. Only three years Pawley refused to pose for pictures with the champion, nuzzling up crying in his father's arms. - I'm not so terrible ... Well, maybe this helmet with reflective tapes scared him - laughed May.

We asked if he or she can navigate the asphalt pavement and cycle path on his mountain bike. - We can do it - she said with a smile.

And then she spoke through a microphone set up in a corner of the market: - We are pleased to host once again to the land of Kielce, in good weather and good company. Tomorrow awaits us a very tough race. Mountain biking is one of the heavier sports, but giving a lot of satisfaction, especially when we see how many fans we have, how many people keeps fingers crossed for us. I do not have to tell anyone that our coach Andrzej Friday from Kielce and - as announced - is going to come back here [applause began]. I hope that today we will be together all very fun. But we reserve the leisurely pace, because the race will be tomorrow, and today is fun - said the champion.

All the cyclists were given reflective stickers for bikes and reflective bands on their hands with the logo "Poland bikes", and maps of the journey, if someone got lost. More than 200 cyclists set off in the direction of charming Stadium Forest, a favorite theme of Kielce under the open sky. Riding through the streets of the peloton very extended, although the organizers - "Gazette Wyborcza" and Association of MTB Cross - appealed for calm ride. Fortunately, police protection and acquitted on a medal at the most dangerous intersections policemen held their movement and go without any incidents.

Real competition for amateurs of two wheels began at the Stadium of Forestry. There was determined the white and red tape route races. The jobs that are enrolled nearly 100 participants. Although the track was on flat ground, his defeat posed some difficulties, because the track was very sandy. The wheels sank into the sand and many of the participants, especially the youngest ones, had big problems with controlling bicycles.

It's a great event. We are happy to turn to such initiatives. And it's not just me. Members of our parliamentary cycling group recently received the award, the Palme spoke from cycling circles for the last favorable changes in regulations - said the deputy Arturo Gelada, who took part in the event on his bike. Along the way, he complained only that, not too well dressed, he founded a long-sleeve black shirt without reflective material, and just the sun came out.

Forest Stadium cannot be bored also between konkurencjami. A small queue lined up to stand with the pasta of the "Pasta is ruled healthy," Sponsor "Poland on bikes". At the stand of bicycle parts could be bought, among others, sprays, patches replacement bike in case of puncture the inner tube.

Five historic bikes before World War II showed the collector Wojciech aphid from Katowice. Of particular interest was the male Adler 3-Gang-Getriebe, Model 55, 1936 with an extraordinary three-speed, lubricated gearbox in the saddle. Racing switches lever located on the frame, more reminiscent of jacks shift in the car than today's cycling shifters. - I'm one of the few enthusiasts of historic bikes in Poland. Somehow, people prefer to collect cars, I do not know why. His prey looking on the internet, but also ride on different exchanges and meetings, mainly abroad, wearing all kinds of reflective garments. I'm just waiting on the next delivery model to the collection, from Germany - told "Gazette" Wojciech aphid.

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