Required reflective items to buy in store

Napsal (») 10. 7. 2017 v kategorii reflective equipment, přečteno: 541×

Just a few months ago, a campaign was launched in which the police distributed reflective vest. Since Saturday, however, it is compulsory to wear them outside the village on the unlit roads. "Yes, we have been seeing an increased interest in these reflective elements for a long time now, and it will surely be even bigger now," "The biggest interest is the jacket strips and what can be glued, "She said.

Not only in drugstores can people buy these accessories, but also at petrol stations. "Now, people are buying a lot like the amendment," said Tank Ono, a gas station worker, which has sold all sorts of products sold to CS Benzene and needs to be negotiated, and the necessary equipment is also available in shops with sports equipment , In cycle shops, in outdoor goods stores or in stationery.

Klotz advised us to look for mandatory reflective equipment in the automotive or bicycle shop on TGM Square. He knew with certainty that there are tapes there. Other places did not attack him. Also, the chief police officer has ​​listed several places, such as a shop and bicycle repair shop or work equipment in the square.

"We are now going to see if people are going to be tagged enough, but we do not want to punish them immediately, rather we will get acquainted with the new law," said Virtue.

Lukas, will be the new rule for the council. "We do not sell any reflective elements anywhere in Lvov," the mayor realized, but there is a real situation where people in the dark go home over the unlit roads. "I have to look somewhere on the Internet, what and how did not think, "the mayor said, not imagining that they would open a store with such goods in the village. Lvov is a small village with 94 inhabitants, but with extensive tourist activity. It is a sought-after cottage area with more than 70 recreational facilities.

"We will give our deputies the evening of their heads together and we have to think of something, we will take care of this problem, thank you for the warning," summed Lukas.

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