Young entrepreneurs make the phone reflective

Napsal (») 11. 8. 2017 v kategorii reflective equipment, přečteno: 572×

Now the mobile phone will be involved and secure traffic. A new shell with reflective material developed by school students reflects the light in traffic. As part of the plugged last year on Eastern real, they were commissioned to start a company. Now, the last term, they try to turn reflective mobile phones to Stockholders moving in traffic.

"Nobody really likes reflexes, but we saw that it started to be trendy," says Nathalie. That they were just the mobile reflexes they would sell, they came on as they sat and spun together. "I think it was Victoria (the group's marketing manager, reds.) Who said reflective equipments are ugly and that we would do something nicely. Then we started talking about something that is discreet but which you still use all the time, such as the phone or headphones.

Recently, the reflex material has gained a certain boost, not least through the collection Ann-Sofia Back did together with an insurance company a few years ago. The four young Eastern real estate companies beat the trend and now they have begun to produce the reflective shell on their own.

"We first thought we would manufacture the product in a factory, but now we stick to the reflections on the shell itself," says Nathalie Morsel.

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