Action "Safe way to school"

Napsal (») 29. 12. 2018 v kategorii reflective fabric, přečteno: 427×

It's 7:15 am. In a classroom, headmistress Kirsten brings together representatives from the Road Patrol, the Police, the Council, Department of Schools and Transport, the HCR, representatives of the child and youth sector, and the Municipal Order Service. Their mission this morning. They want to sensitize parents for their action "safe and independent to school". Shortly before the action, all participants are motivated by Barbara Kruse (Department for School and Further Education) "Be friendly but determined and make the parents aware of the action."

Equipped with yellow reflective vests for the children, who have also covered all involved themselves, leaflets and a Mobility Primer, they stand a short time later on the side of the road in front of the school and address the parents of primary school students. The school has around 240 students and most of them are accompanied to school by their parents, on foot or by the parental taxi. For almost every parent taxi, it is common practice to drive their children directly to the school gate.

This always leads to dangerous situations on the already narrow road. Many parents seem to accept that. These are situations that often arise through their parent taxi. Marc, an employee of the HCR, reports on one of the last awareness-raising campaigns, where "hair-raising states prevailed. Cars behind and next to each other, cars driving over sidewalks and children getting off to the side of the street. With a safe way to school ", Marc indignant today," this has nothing to do anymore. "

Kirsten has been headmistress at the school for over two years: "Even before I came to school, there was the problem of 'chaos before school'. For 3-4 years parents try to find solutions in committees. There was definitely no need to change anything, but "the insight among the parents who drive their child to school" is not very high. But there are also parents who very much wish that this is finally settled. But unfortunately also the parents, who are not very understanding and continue to insult us. "

For some time the opposite side of the street to the school has been declared a no parking zone. This has somewhat eased the morning situation. However, by no means stick to it all the parents and the excuses are manifold. ". It's just very briefly" "Oh, the signs I have not seen" or "Yes, I know, but I have it (even today) in a hurry." or "Yes, I know, but I have to bring a box of water to school today." or "My child has broken foot . "or" The backpack is so heavy, " or "Today, ice skating ". Or, Volker, who now exceptionally drives the son of his partner to school and when asked why he can get the child in the danger zone and no parking zone, answers: "For convenience." Well, at least he is honest, which does not improve the situation.

Headmistress Gudrun 'captures' drivers this morning right at the start of the no-stop zone and never tires of making parents friendly to the chaos they cause: "Good morning, why are you driving to school? Why do not they keep the father and bring their child down the last few yards - just put on a safety vest with reflective material for their child, then you'll see it 'knotless' and a bit of running is good. " Yes, in principle there is nothing to object to, but... Answers that Gudrun hears more often.

Praise this morning for the parents who accompany their children to school on foot. One of them is Annette Hoffmann. Every morning, she accompanies her eight-year-old son on the 15-20-minute walk to school. You live just before the industrial area. Actually, a bike route, but the bike is not an option for Annette Hoffmann: "For me, it is just too risky. Sometimes on this last piece, I get the crisis: The parents are bumping around with the cars, nobody looks right - many come at the last minute and are in a hurry. "That's one of the reasons they are always here a bit earlier," Besides, "she says," doing the walk in the fresh air is good for my child and me too. "

Jasmine accompanies her two children on foot on the approximately 20-minute way to school. "Every morning there is such a traffic mess, that's terrible," she says. Not only these two mothers, and many other parents, welcome the action and are pleased that something is finally done against these conditions.

An action that should not be unique. There is an overall urban goal to curb road traffic in front of the schools and is supported by a wide variety of educational activities. One of the discussions is to set up the former net parking lot as a parent parking lot. This is also welcomed by some parents. In addition, some parents expressed the desire to station there also a bakery at the same time. "then we could exchange ourselves there, with a cup of coffee." However, Jorgen Uhland is irritated about completely different information: "Of course this action is good and important, but if it's announced on the radio in the morning, that's counterproductive. "

It continued this morning with the so-called block 2. In addition, some of the reconnaissance then visited the 3rd and 4th classes and distributed reflective pendant which made from reflective fabric for the knapsacks and questionnaires to the children. The children should now answer questions about their daily activities: how they come to sports, to their friends, to school or grandma, and what is important to them. How they rate traffic today and what they would change. The answers are then evaluated and incorporated into further actions of the Climate Alliance.

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