Cover your body with reflective fabric in winter running

Napsal (») 6. 6. 2015 v kategorii reflective fabric, přečteno: 1234×

Cover your body extremities. According to experts exposed the cold to protect priority points are: the head, neck, hands and feet. Indeed, when it is cold, the heat loss can reach 70% by these 'cold spots'. Choose gloves with reflective tapes, socks, hat or scarf according to their insulating qualities, but without going over.

Bring running shoes adapted to the weather conditions and terrain. The race is important in keeping your feet dry, prevent rain and snow from entering the footwear and have stability on slippery terrain. These are the three keys to go in terms of features to cover the footwear chosen. Running shoes trail, nature or road-soled heels feature a waterproof membrane inside, they are ideal for running in cold weather comfortably and safely without cooling. Tip: It is recommended to wear shoes which made of reflective fabric with a higher number to avoid any compression accelerate cooling... Drink enough. Cold air has the disadvantage of drying the throat and accelerating the dehydration of the body. It is true that in winter, the water losses are lower than in summer, but needs glucose, first fuel muscles are more important. So while it's cold there that hydrates well.

Produce heat eating. Dried fruit, cereal bars or energy gels are the most recommended carrying food during training. Your carbohydrates or sugars are quickly used by muscle and brain cells to fight the cold and provide energy. In addition, you should regularly follow a diet that is conducive to increasing production of heat energy consumption of carbohydrates, such as rice, pasta or vegetables, and foods like meats and oily fish, characteristic for its high protein content.

Breathe in through the nose, the mouth expire. In case of major cold and wind, it is preferable to inspire through the nose and exhale through the mouth to warm the cold air before it reaches the lung bronchi.

Running with wind increases the feeling of cold. So you should take windproof reflective clothing with you. It is advisable to run against the wind to start the race, and have him back for the return. Indeed, the body temperature increases if you look pushed by the breeze.

Carry out stretching at the end of the session. Slow down cooling performing stretching and strengthening muscle movements at the end of the race is one of the points that most affect those skilled in the sport. These exercises favor the thermal equilibrium after stopping the effort, and avoid hypothermia could be noticed quickly in very cold weather.

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