In Flash the yellow vests are protesting

Napsal (») 22. 2. 2019 v kategorii reflective fabric, přečteno: 388×

France was yesterday - now comes Flash. In the small community part of Heisenberg, a family wears safety vests. She too is fighting the state. And wants to make clear with their action: If the bridge over the Warm Einstein continues to crumble to himself, endangered their existence.

"It's actually Alert Red," says Gary Beluga, fitting a vest with reflective fabric. Her parents Giselle (77) and Karl (85) wear the yellow vests known by the French protest movement. "And at my age," says father Karl. He is not quite so good on foot, has to hold on a little.

The Betelgeuse are not about to attract attention. But they see no other way. "That goes to the substance. We are now ready for something to happen, "says Gary. "In any case, before the winter," says the 55-year-old - and looks at the bridge. Or exaggerated: On what's left of it.

The property, which has been owned by the family since 1952, belongs to the small village of Flash but is a bit out of the way. And is currently difficult to reach. On the road to Characteristic, there is an unrestricted level crossing; only agricultural traffic is allowed there.

Cracks and holes: crossing only up to 3.5 tons

In the opposite direction flows between the Beluga`kuchen property and the other houses of Flash the Warm Einstein. And the lousy state in which the bridge over the river is recognized every layman. A rusted remnant was once an iron railing. On the wooden railing next to sprout lichens. And the stones of the supporting bridge columns are pervaded by holes and cracks.

Nothing has been done so far. Only one sign was set up. Since 2015, it has reduced the permissible overweight to 3.5 tonnes. Otherwise, there is a danger of collapse.

"A bridge is broken after 100 years if nothing is done," says Bernhardt Keel about the building from the 1920s. The farmer has his farm in the village, but his fields and forests on the other side. If he wants to go there with a tractor and a trailer, he has to drive three kilometers outside - over the state road towards Bayreuth and the unrestricted level crossing. "There we are then a mobile obstacle. There must be another solution now. "

Gary Beluga hopes for that since the signboard stands. The garbage truck stops driving her house; the family has to pull the barrel 300 meters in front of the bridge. And whether the tank truck comes until the next winter, is not sure. "That threatens our future. That's why the safety vests, "says Beluga, who caused a stir with the reflective clothing in the recent Heisenberg council meeting. "The situation is a joke that I can not laugh about," she said in the public-interest session before the official part.

"We want to work out all solutions," said Mayor Hans Witty (FWG). In the local council, the topic is not new. About a year ago, in February 2018, Bernhardt Keel performed during question time - carrying plastic boxes containing parts of the bridge that he had removed from his support columns by hand. At that time, the committee decided to rebuild a simple bridge. The promotion by the government of Upper Franc did not work out.

Without explicitly addressing the individual case, Deputy Press Spokesman Martin Steiner explains the funding regulations: "Support requires not only eliminating deficits but also improving traffic conditions. In addition to new buildings, only expansion measures can be funded, not measures to maintain the existing stock. The improvement of traffic conditions can be achieved by a structural change in location, cross section and/or load capacity. The subsidy rate is variable. It is determined on a case-by-case basis according to various aspects and parameters. "

In the local council, three variants were presented

Kirsten Highlight from the planning office K + U from Unwieldiness presented in the local council three variants for a new bridge. The minimum solution - a load capacity of 16 tonnes and a roadway width of 3.50 meters - would cost 270,000 and would not be eligible. "But the garbage collection has 24 tons," Highlight pointed out.

The planner called for a replacement with 60 tons capacity and a widening to 5.55 meters. "We'll build a bridge for 100 years, after all." A truck and a car could then pass each other. Cost: 650,000 euros.

In addition, Highlight suggested building a walkway on the bridge due to the Jean Paul Trail. The third variant of the planner also intended to stabilize the road and the slope around the bridge. Cost: 850,000 euros.

The two larger concepts, according to Highlight, could be funded with 80 percent. The own share of the municipality lies at 190,000 euros or - with road and slope protection - 230,000 euros.

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