Vests help avoid motorcycle crime

Napsal (») 15. 11. 2018 v kategorii reflective fabric, přečteno: 395×

In a survey, on more than a thousand cases, 70 percent of the people of Mar del Plata considered that the use of the reflective vest can suppress the crimes.

An opinion poll held that the use of reflective vest which made of reflective fabric on motorcyclists can help in issues of insecurity.

The use of vests with a patent helps to avoid motorcycle crimes, according to a survey carried out by the Vial de la, the chamber that brings together the companies that produce road software.

The same was done by telephone in 1,052 homes of Mar del Plata, in order to have an "X-ray" on the general opinion about the use of vests to discourage the crimes linked to the so-called " motorcycle crimes ". In the province of Buenos Aires, the legislation that would force the passengers to ride with a reflective vest (and the patent of the printed roll) is being treated in the Legislature, as an action to avoid these events.

The question of the telephone survey, conducted in 1,052 households, was "To what degree, between much and nothing, would you say that the use of safety vests with the patent number in the driver's companion helps to avoid the crimes of the motorcycles? "

Thus, for "7 out of 10 of those consulted", the use of the vest helps to a greater or lesser extent to avoid crimes: "24 percent responded that it helps a lot, 23 percent something and 21 percent little. The rest argued that it does not help or was not inclined to any option. "

Taking into account the age of the respondents, the study "observed a wide difference" in the answers. Thus, those over 65 were those who were more in agreement that the use of the vest is a positive contribution: 78 percent opted for the options "help a lot, little or something", but the percentage decreased to 63 percent when those consulted "were between 16 and 29 years old".

For the Road Observatory, the use of the reflective vest contributes "both to road safety and to insecurity", since by using it "the vehicle is better identified, increasing visibility and reducing the chances of a road accident occurring".

On the other hand, he considered that "by having the registration number registered, it contributes to security, granting specific data of the vehicle".

However, the results varied "remarkably" when considering the age of the respondents. Only "3 out of 10 adults over 65 years," said being a victim or knowing a victim of the "motorcycle", or 33 percent. The response rose "to 5 out of 10, 47 percent, in the age group between 16 and 29 years."

In the city of Buenos Aires, the obligation to use the reflective vest for motorcyclists applies since 2017.

In the province of Buenos Aires, it is still not legislated, although last April a project was presented by legislators Carolina, Manias Rankin, and Martina Dominguez. The proposal is to make mandatory the use of the reflective vest with reflective material and helmet (both with the engraved patent) for the driver as for the passenger.

In addition, the prohibition to circulate by two in certain areas and at certain times is projected.

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