What must (and should) your bike have?

Napsal stebenda.blogerka.cz (») 10. 12. 2019 v kategorii reflective fabric, přečteno: 342×
reflective clothing、reflective materials、reflective fabrics

Reflections, brakes, lights, cyclothems, reflective clothing ... even though the laws are there, among other things, to increase road safety, they just cause a lot of confusion in the heads of many cyclists. Do you know what you need to have on your bike or wearing it? And what you do not, but should you? We will advise you.

Bicycles shall be equipped with:

Two independent brakes; bicycles for pre-school children equipped with a so-called torpedo (free-wheel hub with anti-pedal brake) do not need to be equipped with a front brake

Rear red retro-reflector; The reflector can be combined with a red rear lamp, it can be replaced by reflective materials on cyclist clothing or footwear

A front white retro-reflector; it can be replaced by reflective fabrics on cyclist clothing or footwear

Orange reflectors on both sides of the pedals - can be replaced by reflective materials on or near the footwear

Orange reflectors on the spokes of the wheels (front or rear wheel or both); the retro-reflectors must be on either side of the wheels; they can be replaced by reflective materials on the sides of the wheel or the sides of the tires or at the ends of mudguards or the side parts of a cyclist's clothing

For reduced visibility, bicycles must also be equipped with:

A headlamp illuminating forward with white light; if the road is adequately illuminated, it may be replaced by a flashing white lamp

A red rear lamp; may be replaced by a flashing red light

The power source (dynamo or battery capable of providing the luminous intensity of the prescribed illumination for at least 1.5 hours)

If the bicycle is fitted with a child seat, the child seat shall be firmly attached and the bicycle shall be fitted with child foot supports.

A cyclist under 18 years of age is obliged to wear a safety helmet of an approved type by a special legal regulation while wearing it and wear it properly on his head.

Reflex cycling club recommendations

Use lighter or colored clothing for cycling in urban traffic, which is more likely to be noticed by motor drivers

In poor visibility, keep all prescribed reflectors and lights clean and in good condition on the bicycle, use flashing lights, place white in front, red in front. These lights highlight the presence of the cyclist in road traffic even in normal visibility.

Wear a safety helmet whenever you cycle by road or off-road. Protective helmets for cyclists are mandatory in the Czech Republic for cyclists under 18 years of age.

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