Reflective film to increase nigh race visibility

Napsal (») 12. 8. 2015 v kategorii reflective film, přečteno: 883×

First Night Loop is the third running event within the Active Bydgoszcz and also the first night race organized by the City of Bydgoszcz! The night light up by reflective clothing worn by runners.

Participant’s night race will start at midnight on Saturday with Mill Island. To overcome will have two 2.5-kilometer loops. The route will lead through the streets of the old town. The route will assist service information. In special reflective vests in the most difficult points along the route you will be able to find 25 people who will point the way and warn against any of its elements more difficult. In the role of leading duo bicycle race will patrol the city. The first five hundred registered participants First Night Loop will receive a starter pack, which includes, among other things shirt dedicated to cross-country. On the other hand, in the first five runners who cross the finish line will be waiting a special medal, constituting the third part of our puzzle?

Night race packets will be accompanied by special adhesive reflective films that will increase the visibility of riders on the route and will also promote the idea of ​​wearing reflective elements by children. Packages can be collected on Saturday after midday. 21.30.

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