Police in safety vest can help you after a road accident

Napsal stebenda.blogerka.cz (») 7. 6. 2017 v kategorii reflective jacket, přečteno: 546×

In the event of a traffic accident, authorities may decline the application if there is no personal injury.

If you are a victim of a car accident and neither you nor the other driver have reported personal injury, you do not need to call the police who wear reflective vest; The management of the claim can, in fact, occur autonomously by following the rules that we will shortly explain. If the parties agree on the responsibility for the incident, they will be able to complete the so-called friendly identification form (CID), which entitles them to a quicker compensation. Otherwise, you have to start a controversy through your insurance.

Conversely, if you are injured (drivers or even thirds transported) it is always necessary to stop and call the authorities: the street or municipal police if available and possibly a car accident. But let's proceed with order.

If, following the car crash, drivers and passengers did not report any injury, they must:

Turn on the emergency lights of the car;

Get out of the car with the reflective jackets;

Place the signal with the triangle at least 100 meters from the location of the incident;

Take the necessary photographs to immortalize the site of the left and then immediately remove the cars from the center of the road, so as not to annoy the circulation.

There is no obligation to call the traffic police.

After the road is removed and with all the calmness that is requires, drivers will have to check their responsibilities. Here two possible fronts can be opened:

Motorists agree on the responsibility of the left and have a Cid model (friendly statement of the left): in this case they will have to fill in the first facade of the form (the others are filled in automatically by the presence of the copying paper) then present it to the respective insurance;

Motorists agree on their responsibilities but do not have a Cid model with them: in that case they will have to exchange the data of their respective auto insurance policies (possibly favoring the insurance contract), the license number, the details of the 'Car (model, license plate, color) and, of course, their respective names and surnames. It would be ideal (but not necessary) for both drivers to sign a statement in which - in order to avoid misunderstandings and to avoid future reflections - there is mutual recognition of who is responsible for the accident;

Motorists do not agree on the liability of the accident. In this case, the obligation to exchange insurance, patents and car insurance data (as mentioned above) remains unchanged. It is their right to call the municipal police, but the latter, if engaged in more important operations, may invite drivers to carry out the above activities autonomously. For this reason, it is always advisable to shoot as many pictures as possible, under all perspectives and shots, so as to provide, to the insurance and to the judge (if any) the test arguments to decide. It will also be advisable to look for witnesses to confirm the manner in which the claim is made.

So, after an accident you do not have to call the police in safety vest if the drivers agree and you are not injured even among the passengers.

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