Safety vest provide the rider with a certain amount of safety

Napsal (») 19. 7. 2017 v kategorii reflective jacket, přečteno: 548×

He spent thirteen years investigating accidents. He saw how it would come when somebody overpowered his strength and how it ended when a motorcycle without any safety vest came into the hands of a young man who wanted to go as fast as he could and did not. Chief Commissioner Aloes is now working at the Traffic Police Service at the Zinc Regional Police.

How about the accident of bikers? Is there a shortage of them in recent years or is it about the same year?

Fortunately, it is decreasing because we pay enough attention to that. The big problem was the Bocholt hills, where several tragic accidents happened. But since we practically monitor and watch over there, it is much better.

What are the most common mistakes made by bikers?

Clearly, it's speed. Motorbikes have ever stronger engines, and their speeds are usually up to three hundred kilometers per hour. And acceleration from zero to a hundred is usually in two seconds, which cannot do any car. And the young man longs for speed.

So, is it that young people are the most likely to crash?

Most people have an accident between twenty to forty years. For them, bikes are much more affordable than car. And if they cannot control and want to show off, it unfortunately can end up tragically.

This year's flight is sharply orange and yellow

Every biker should take care of quality clothes outside the helmet. Not to get the "In" as much as possible, but first and foremost to ensure that the right outfit (like safety vest and reflective jacket) will also provide the rider with a certain amount of safety in the event of a break. One of the producers who specialize in this type of clothing is Libor Rubik.

Do you think bikers are looking at special clothing or do they underestimate and go virtually anything?

No, it's much better than it used to be. Those who underestimate are, fortunately, the minimum. The vast majority dresses well and takes care of it.

And what do you say when someone sits on their machine in common jeans?

Everyone has to protect their health mainly by themselves, so that's their decision. But I do not recommend this kind of outfit. For example, if we wear ordinary jeans and leather, the biker is protected ten times more in the skin.

Does the motorcycle wear track any fashion trends?

Of course, the manufacturers of this outfit also try to go with time.

What colors are so called?

So black, it goes, of course, over time. But lately, it appears sharply yellow and orange. Which, of course, fulfills another function, namely visibility?

A versatile shank should be introduced in our country as well

"I'm not a typical biker. I went about it twice, "says Traveler and President of the Czech Association Route 66. Still, he returns to the US every year to go with his friends through the legendary Route 66, which is literally a paradise for motorcyclists.

But what are the American drivers? According to Judases, there is a great deal of respect on the roads in the USA. "When they see the column, they prefer you because they take you as a whole," explained Judases. American drivers say they do not go too fast, they do not even predict much. "He's driving smoothly," the traveler said.

The peculiarity that drivers can encounter is a versatile shank. "In this case, the rule is that anyone who comes to the marker first has priority," Judases explained. And it seems to work great. There are no traffic lights, no signs of main or side roads. "That should be done in our country," Judases in reflective vest said.

And another curiosity is the possibility of turning to the red traffic. Which means that when no one comes in from the left, the drivers can go in peace without risking a fine?

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