Reflective material helps prevent accident for pedestrians

Napsal (») 9. 6. 2015 v kategorii reflective material, přečteno: 1364×

The areas of the body that suffer more injuries are the legs, hips and legs (representing 28.7%) and trunk (23.2%). The head impacts, representing 12.7% of all injuries, are responsible for most deaths. In fact, nearly six in ten deaths (58%) have suffered head injuries in that period.

The origin of these accidents usually found in vehicles turning left at intersections or backtracking, distracted drivers who do not respect the crosswalks and pedestrians without reflective vest crossing roads for improper places.

Among the measures proposed by the Mapfre Foundation include those related to the human factor, and improve driver awareness of the vulnerability of the elderly, including the need to promote the use of light clothing with fluorescent and reflective elements. It is also recommended to senior centers, municipalities and local police to become involved to a greater extent to improve road safety in this group.

One thing the report is striking is that in the evening studied abuses or those with insufficient natural light that occurred outside the city none of the pedestrians killed used vests with reflective material.

Among the measures to be taken regarding the way it is proposed to strengthen the maintenance of these places, improving lighting and signaling using speed bumps and zebra crossings rising, forcing drivers to slow down.

In vehicles, the report suggests the installation of pedestrian detection systems with automatic braking, which avoid the 40% of deaths from abuse, detection systems and rear obstacles, such as vision sensors and cameras. And pedestrians should take the coat with reflective tapes with them.

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