Stealing in record time on Transalpina. 12 hours resisted reflective plates

Napsal (») 16. 4. 2019 v kategorii reflective material, přečteno: 403×

12 hours! Both the night-time warning signs "cat eyes", as they called that had just been mounted on the Transalpina Road Roof, resisted. The Road Company filed a criminal complaint, and the police officers started an investigation. Infrastructure elements are often the target of thieves. But no one now explains what anyone could do with dozens of reflective elements.

Even a whole night did not circulate safely on Transalpina. Reflective materials mounted by bumps in tight curves and slopes have attracted the thieves' attention.

The retro speakers disappeared on a 150-meter section. In a dangerous curve, for example, there is only one reflective element that can guide drivers at night or fog.

The parts will only replace in a few months. Now a new auction is needed so that the tourists can buy others. Until then, he tries to recover at least the screws left behind by thieves.

Cristi Tudor, representative SDN Târgu-Jiu: He is caught on the back plate, pressed. They have somehow pulled them off. I do not know how they did it. They've been tortured anyway.

Driver: It does not seem normal to me. It happens everywhere in Romania. We must not be surprised. It helps us a lot, especially in bad weather.

Miruna Prejbeanu, IPJ spokesman Gorj: Police officers carry out investigations to identify persons guilty of committing this crime in a criminal case for qualified theft.

It's not the first time Transalpina's security breaks out. In the past, road signs or even pieces of the road rails have been stolen. Last time, the thieves were caught with seven tons of granite.

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