You are most likely to see these in the dark

Napsal (») 29. 9. 2019 v kategorii reflective material, přečteno: 462×
 reflective material

Reflective vest is a matter of course when 8-year-olds Tuva, Thea, and Adrian are out and about, morning and evening.

REFLECT: Of course we use reflex! The 3rd grades at Grinde skull look almost silly to us when we ask.

"We must have reflex so that the cars can see us," says Tuva Knutsen.

"We have a reflective vest sew on reflective tape. And reflex on the bag. And sometimes on the arm, if we want to be seen extra well," says Thea Hustveit Moe.

"I'm sometimes out when it's dark. For example, if I go home from football training or visit someone until seven o'clock," Adrian Gullhaug says.

Forget about yourself

The charming wood clover is not alone in its age group about being diligent reflex users. While only one in three adults uses reflex, the children are in a completely different league.

Why do you think it is like that?

"I think they have so many other things to think about," says Adrian.

"I think they are so busy thinking that we should wear our reflexes that they forget themselves," says Tuva.

"Yes, because they think it's important. And fine. So it must be that they forget it," Thea speculates.

They have also noticed that older children are not as keen on reflex use as themselves.

"They probably remember less than us who are smaller. And our teacher reminds us that we should put the reflective vest with reflective material in the bag," says Adrian.

Has reflections

Working with traffic safety is considered very important at Grinde skull.

"Here at the school we have reflections, under the auspices of the FAU, from the autumn holidays to the winter holidays and see that the students are very good. In the first stage it is 100 percent, in recent years it often falls slightly," says Rector Astri Knudsen Eliassen.

She experiences that students who are driven to school even wear the reflective vest to be seen in the area around the school.

"It is important for us that everyone thinks. We do not want anything to happen to our students," Eliassen states.

The school has now drawn up a local traffic training plan, based on recommendations from Trygg Trafikk.

First in North Rogaland

This happened in connection with the school last week becoming the first school in North Rogaland which has received the approval as a traffic-safe school from Trygg Trafikk.

"The idea was sown at a rector's meeting and we wandered around. We want to look after our students as best as possible and have, among other things, previously taken steps to remove the buses from the area just outside the school, and the goods transport at the back," says the principal.

Next year they will also be participating in the school action Beintft.

"Grinde skull is an example school for others on how the school can integrate traffic training into the local curriculum and annual plan," says district leader Ingrid Lea Maryland in Trygg Trafikk Rogaland. So far, two schools in Stavanger, as well as the entire Sokndal municipality, have received the stamp of quality. Tyler Municipality is also working towards that goal.

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