Pedestrians need to wear reflective products in dark areas

Napsal (») 28. 8. 2015 v kategorii reflective product, přečteno: 801×

On the last day of August it came into force the Law on Road Traffic. The most important change concerns the need for pedestrian to wear reflective products, where after dark move up areas.

Until now it was so, that the obligation to wear reflective elements was children under 15 years of age. At this point, the law changed so that all people as adults and children need after dusk and beyond the built-up area to use glare - says asp. Emilia Kuligowska, press officer of the CPP in Legionowo. Pedestrian walking along the sidewalk, road intended for pedestrians or in a residential zone is exempt from this obligation. How to convince the police, this change in the law should be much should contribute to improving road safety. - It should be even mention that walking without glare is visible by the driver dusk from a distance of 40 meters. When I wear them, the driver observes it from a distance of 150 meters. Control is therefore time to react, to inhibit or change of direction - adds asp. Kuligowska.

Reflectors can be purchased at office supply stores, online stores, or rely on the fact that some manage to get from policemen during a government picnics. Policemen from the District Police in Legionowo also plan to move information campaign. - Police officers dressed in reflective uniform from Legionowo command and the neighboring police stations because of this change in the law will be for the next time to inform pedestrians and remind you of the new requirement. We will also carry out preventive campaigns in schools. This is done as part of the "Safe Way to School" - says spokeswoman Legionowo police.

None of studs is a misdemeanor with article 97 of the Code offenses, threatened a mandate in height from 20 to as much as 500 dollars.

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