Crashed on the roads is increasing

Napsal (») 7. 2. 2018 v kategorii reflective safety belt, přečteno: 720×

In 2015, 669 people died on Czech roads, which is about forty more than last year. The deaths of pedestrians, often knocked down in the darkness, were greatly increased. Tomas Larch, the director of the traffic police, sees the problem in the fact that the deputies have been delayed with the approval of the law requiring pedestrians to wear a reflective safety belt. Now the bill is in the Senate.

According to MF DNES, according to the calculations, about 120 people died, the official numbers are not yet. Half of them usually hit the car in the dark. The risky the months are when it gets darker. "Pedestrians contributed quite a lot to the increase in deaths. We pointed out the pedestrian invisibility, which was just reflected in December's statistics, "said Tomas Larch, head of the Czech Republic's Transport Police, MF DNES.

The head of the convoys speaks out of his experience because he served on the weekend before Christmas and counted in December only seven killed pedestrians in Christmas, all of whom died in a diminished visibility. "MEPs should have adopted the law before the pressure on people is bigger," Larch thinks. According to the head of the traffic police, a similar obligation already applies in the neighboring Slovakia, and even in contrast to the Czech proposal, it also concerns the streets within the village. If the law were to pay, the number of dead would probably fall below six hundred.

"Experience from abroad shows that the mandatory introduction of reflective material will be reduces the number of pedestrian victims in the night from tens to units. However, we want people to lead the reflection element to save their lives, whether it is mandatory or not, "said Dan, Minister of Transport, for MF DNES. Last year, BESIP organized an awareness campaign to distribute the reflective strips.

MF DNES underwent specific cases of accidents in which pedestrians died, several weeks back. It is very unusual to have an accident from December 22, when the car crashed a fifteen-year-old girl near Lidice. The schoolchild succumbed to the injuries. The Ford Monde, whose driver ran the girl, passed two other cars just before the collision. Their police drivers are looking for a witness.

The tragedy showed that just the moment when a pedestrian walks alongside and two cars are passing by, it is very risky. The driver no longer has the place to avoid the pedestrians at the last minute, and he is dazzled. MEPs passed a law imposing the obligation to wear reflective elements while traveling on roads outside the village, approved on December 9. People who leave without them in the dark or fog, that is to say, in low visibility, as pedestrians on the road between two villages will face a fine between 1,500 and 2,500 crowns.

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