Nationwide traffic events promote reflective safety belts

Napsal (») 1. 7. 2015 v kategorii reflective safety belt, přečteno: 855×

They selected the fine for around seventy thousand.

As part of nationwide traffic events on the road and their territories event was held in connection with the accident rate in our country. "The police with reflective uniform focused on the risk group of road users, namely pedestrians, cyclists and drivers of motorcycles," materialized Police spokeswoman Hanna.

Also oversaw compliance with traffic rules by drivers of motor vehicles, compliance with the set speed, the use of reflective safety belts and restraint systems when transporting children, phoning while driving, and more.

The police checked 512 vehicles and found 133 traffic offenses. "Mostly, all misdemeanors (125) resolved on the spot in block management, totaling nearly seventy thousand," concluded Rostov.

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