School guides in the rabbit field

Napsal (») 17. 6. 2021 v kategorii reflective safety vest, přečteno: 800×

In front of the primary school in Hasenfeld, school guides have recently been helping to cross the street safely.

The students walk safely across the zebra crossing that leads them to the primary school in Hasenfeld. Two school guides with reflective safety vests stand steadfastly on the road and let the children pass. "Up to now, we had no pilots. It worked well," says director Monika Bodlak. But traffic has increased significantly in recent months. Many children are taken to school by car. This often creates dangerous situations in front of the school. "That is why we decided in the spring to train school pilots and secure the zebra crossing," said Bodlak.

The street in front of the school is a fire hazard. "There are too many cars on the road in the morning and at noon," says teacher and supervisor of the student guide Susanne Schertler (49) from Schwarzach. Fortunately, there is now an initial effect. "Thanks to the student guides, the busy coming and going in front of the school has calmed down. It has become more regulated," says Schertler happily.

A total of 16 children in the fourth grade have been trained by the police to become school pilots. They take turns securing the road. They take on this important task in two teams. "If a child can't, the others step in. It works flawlessly," explains Schertler. In addition to the traffic rules, the school guides also learn to take responsibility and to organize themselves among each other if things turn out differently than planned. The children are very proud to be school guides. This month, student guides will be trained in the third grade so that the project can continue in autumn. Securing the zebra crossing in front of the elementary school will continue to be carried out by the student guides. "However, it would be best if as many children as possible came to school on foot. On the one hand, this prevents dangerous situations in front of the school. On the other hand, the children would start class with enough fresh air," says Schertler.

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