Time to use reflex - only every other Finn uses reflex

Napsal stebenda.blogerka.cz (») 22. 8. 2019 v kategorii reflective safety vest, přečteno: 412×
reflective vest

On Sunday, it is a reflex day, a day that is needed because only every other Finn uses reflex. This is stated by Heli Lintamo, who is the Contact Manager for Traffic Protection in Vaasa.

One-third of the traffic accidents in which pedestrians lost their lives could have been avoided if the pedestrian had used reflexes.

Only every other Finn uses reflex, but it has gotten better over the years. Unfortunately, many still do not use reflexes, says Lintamo.

Why is a reflex day needed?

To alert everyone that it is time to start using reflexes when it becomes autumn dark and winter.

Craft in daycare

By means of campaigns and simply talking about reflexes, the Traffic Protection Agency is trying to increase the degree of use of reflective materials in Finland.

It can be done through toys with children in daycare centers or that we go out in the evenings and check that those who are out and walking have reflexes.

To get the youngsters to use reflexes, Heli Lintamo has a few tips.

Fortunately, there is often a complete reflex on backpacks. Some clothes look as usual but have reflexes.

Not only in the dark - but also the fog

Heli Lintamo recalls that it is not only in darkness that one should use reflexes. It also helps in fog.

It provides security and when the light hits the reflex you can see better and then the motorists can react. The better we see in traffic, the easier it is for motorists to see us.

Which is the best type of reflex?

Many people like to wear reflective safety vests, but quite ordinary reflectors that hang are also really useful. Important with them is that they hang lower down, approximately at knee height so that they are visible. You can also use reflective tape that you put around your arm or leg.

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