Magical reflective spray could save many lives

Napsal (») 15. 4. 2015 v kategorii reflective spray, přečteno: 864×

Invisible by day, this reflective spray to spread on his bike and his clothes became white night, when the cyclist is illuminated by the headlights of a car.

Can a simple reflective spray save the lives of thousands of cyclists? The principle: spray once every 15 days on the bike, clothes, or headphones.

During the day, the effect is invisible. At night, however, when the cyclist going on in the field headlights of a car, all parts sprayed by the reflective spray ... saw the white.

Result: the bike is seen as day.

The process, called LifePaint, was designed by Volvo, a British design agency and a spray manufacturer, The Verge notes. For now, the product, described as "washable and safe", is only available in the UK.

Reminder: in France, 158 cyclists were killed between October 2013 and 2014 (up 6%). And 5,000 were seriously injured (19,000 in the UK). The majority of accidents occur in open country.

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