Accidents multiply during periods of time change. Foley hikers and cyclists have received yellow vests to be seen well. The figure is national but it is unfortunately also for the Indri: at the time of the change of time which thus intervened on the night of Saturday with Sunday, the accidents between the vehicles, the pedestrians and cyclists, increase by 43%.
"These few days following the change of time, the public lights sometimes do not get in tune right away, some cars have concerns of optics, and nighttime habits are lost. The most fragile, pedestrians and cyclists, do not realize that they are now less or not seen, "says Pascal Silverman, in charge of road safety in the department.
Thirteen dead in Indri As part of a national operation dubbed well seen together, the Association of General Insurance Agents has funded the purchase of sixty thousand kits for pedestrians and cyclists. A bag equipped with a reflective tape contains a fluorescent cuff to hang on an arm or leg and a vest. Two hundred of these famous kits have just been offered to Foley officials. Hikers or cyclists: Foley supervises activities both adults and children who request this type of equipment. "When we leave at 7.30 in the morning, it is still dark," says André Faure, responsible for the hiking activity. Hence the donation of the two hundred kits awarded to the Indri to this sports association.
The kits are being distributed. In terms of road safety, everyone is invited to take the reflex to equip themselves with reflective strips on their bike or on foot.
Remember that since the beginning of the year, in the Indri, thirteen people have been killed on the roads, including three pedestrians, a cyclist, three motorists, five motorcycle riders and a driver of two-wheelers under 50 cm.