Control operation of lighting and visibility of road users

Napsal (») 7. 3. 2018 v kategorii reflective stripe, přečteno: 582×

The gendarmes and the services of the Prefecture of Sarthe conducted Friday evening October 13 an awareness campaign on lighting and safety equipment of vehicles.

It was time for prevention this Friday evening, on the D 338 at the roundabout Stopwatch. Despite the poor figures of road safety in Sarthe this year, with 44 deaths recorded since January 1, an awareness campaign dedicated to the visibility of users on the road was conducted.

To see well and to be seen

A dozen gendarmes of the Departmental Road Safety Squadron (EDSR) and the services of the Prefecture of Sarthe organized a prevention operation with the theme "lighting, equipment of vehicles and visibility of users.”

On this occasion, alcohol-screening kits, equipment such as pre-signaling triangles, two-wheel and pedestrian retro reflective strips were distributed to road users.

It is a prevention operation geared towards vehicle equipment and lighting. In a week, it is the beginning of the holidays of All Saints and we will change time. The brightness will drop. It is therefore essential to raise the awareness of users, "said the commander of the gendarmerie group of Sarthe, Colonel Jerome.

Since the beginning of the year, in the gendarmerie zone, in Sarthe, there are 75 accidents and 50 more injuries than last year. In addition, in most cases, it is the behavior of the driver that is involved through speed, alcohol or carelessness.

"We have a very strong activity in terms of repression. Efforts will not be relaxed, but drivers must be actors in road safety. We can still reach people through this prevention operation." Placed on a very busy axis, the RD 338 on a Friday evening, the operation allowed making pedagogy. In addition, to pass strong messages, especially with children, who received small gifts offered by the prefecture?

Great departmental cause

"The prefect announced that the fight against the unsafe road was the big departmental cause. The police are there to repress. However, their action also involves prevention, "said Juliette Part, director of the cabinet of the prefect.

With the exception of the offenses for lack of lighting, vests, triangle, breathalyzer that were not sanctioned, the military ensured their service normally as for the conduits under the empire of an alcoholic state and the catch of narcotics products, among others.

For information, the absence in a car of a retro-reflective vest and the pre-signaling triangle is punishable by a fourth class fine. Since the beginning of the week, the gendarmes of the Sarthe have recorded 15 pipes under the influence of narcotics and 45 positive bloodthirsty. In terms of speed, 870 speeding by Automated Penalty Control and 245 excessive speeds with interception were accounted.

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