Fan of the garbage truck, two-year-old boy gets a uniform of street cleaner in Porto Alegre

Napsal (») 23. 12. 2019 v kategorii reflective stripe, přečteno: 327×
reflective stripes

Football in the yard is interrupted at the first sign of the approaching garbage truck. Wide eyes, index finger pointed up, and even a few shouts of incomprehensible words. It is in this way, full of sincere admiration, that Vitor Hugo de Matos Moraes, two and a half years old, welcomes the workers of the company that collects the waste on his street, in Vila Costa e Silva, Sarandi neighborhood, northern Porto Alegre.

"He may be sleeping, listening to loud music, it doesn't matter." You know the time and the day to come. It gives the snoring of the truck and the barking of dogs, he already ran out with the bag - explains the mother, Paula Franciele Silva de Matos, 26 years.

The affection between the child and the collectors grew to the point that the team "hired" Vitor Hugo, presenting him with shorts and a T-shirt identical to the uniform they wear.

When the uniform arrived, he already dressed, on the sidewalk. The hard thing is to take it later because he loves it, he stays all day - says his father, André Luiz Flores Moraes, 26, about the battle that is to make the boy change clothes.

Clothes were sewn by the truck driver's mother from a disused uniform

Orange with reflective stripes, the garment was sewn by the mother of driver Luciano Pesente, the "Cracker", from a uniform that was already in disuse. To accompany the work, a plastic bucket was delivered to the small fan on the morning of Tuesday (12), soon filled with stones that he collected on the sidewalk.

Working for a year at BA Environment - an outsourced company responsible for home collection in the Capital, Samuel Flores, 24, says that the reception with the party is a motivator to face the 30 kilometers of daily race beside the truck.

The affection that the little ones have with us is what leads me not to give up. I've cut myself, it's already falling, but that kind of thing is worth it, it motivates day after day - sets, with the "colleague on duty" on his lap.

On rare occasions when weather permits, the street sweepers take Vitor Hugo on a short stroll through the narrow streets of the humble neighborhood. Astonished, the boy does not take his eyes off the road, pointing and looking in amazement at the dogs that "attack" the vehicle. After descending - noticeably upset operates the press that optimizes the space of the garbage in the bucket. All overseen by the staff.

Still not building complete sentences, the boy nods his head when asked about his passion for professionals. The family is proud of their son's attitude.

For me, it's an emotion. Despite his young age, he already knows how to recognize such honest work - defines his father.

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