Reflective stripes shall be used to prevent traffic accidents

Napsal (») 4. 3. 2015 v kategorii reflective stripe, přečteno: 1469×

Rychnovští policemen on will focus on pedestrians and cyclists other days, one of the sites, which have definitely visit will Týniště nad Orlicí, where the bicycle is a very common means of transport.

In the Czech Republic in 2013, 134 pedestrians and 58 bicyclists died in accidents. Compared to 2012, a moderate reduction in these tragic numbers (12 pedestrians and 6 cyclists), still a lot of pedestrians and bicyclists don’t have the awareness to wear safety vest or clothing with reflective stripes.

In the Hradec Králové region in 2014 we have the statistics of tragic accidents non-motorized road users entered on January 20 when she died, in which, on a crosswalk in Trutnov driver struck a passenger vehicle.

For the first nine months of 2014, traffic cops drove out to a total of 3152 accidents. In a total of 244 cases of traffic accidents cyclist, cyclists 6 when the consequences of accidents died, 31 followers, and one track suffered serious injuries and 168 other cyclists were injured slightly. In the same period in the region died in traffic accidents, one pedestrian, 17 pedestrian suffered serious injuries and 93 slight.

"It is clear from interviews of drivers of motor vehicles who clashed with a pedestrian or cyclist is mostly seen at all or saw them at the last minute and failed to prevent conflict," says the Czech police Jan Čížkovský, police spokesman.

Reflective stripes and fluorescent reflective materials costs a few bucks, the investment for security is certainly worthwhile. They are available in a haberdashery, cycle, stores and work safety equipment, in e-commerce.

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